Wednesday 28 August 2019

IIT, Guwahati Emphasizes Latest LoT Technology

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati on to the latest LoT’s versatile purpose technology for effective digital or virtual communication where technical teachers were educated at its workshop to prepare for futuristic cyber threat and digital processing.

In this session included introduction to ‘Smart Sensors and Actuators – the “Things” in LoT to open up various sectors of this powerful technology like ZigBee, CoAP, MQTT, bio-inspired agent based LoT/CPS, LoRaWAN Lot Protocols like RPL, LoT application development using ESPB2666 and Cloud Infrastructure, LoT Acess Technologies like 6LoWPAN and programming agents in LoTs, security in LoT and basics of cyber security with application.

Now why LoT technology? it is due to Lot’s powerful potency to generate effective communication plus its power of sensing ability through optical fiber cable usage to ensure fastest service to its clients. Today LoT is trending and is highly influential in the market demand from past decades.


Futuristic Appeal Of IIT Guwahati’s Lot Based Workshop

On the latest 2nd Edition “Internet of Things (LoT) and Cyber Security” at the venue of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati that was launched by the Executive Council under the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Institute emphasized how LoT is effective in the growing virtual world.

LoT is Influencing the techno market as it has the potentiality to cater service to massive area in a region with its advantage of effective communication ability and potentiality to accumulate data of an organization in diversified format in unchartered domains especially.

If we look back the famous application ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) of 1970 is today popularly known as LoT , detected to have immense hidden opportunities to serve human goals’ as though it has enough competitors to give tough competition.

According to Professor SN Nair of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Guwahati LoT is today trending high in the digital network arena and an unavoidable futuristic requirement for quality communication if one depends on its edge features like smart sensoring, cost effective, resilient, high power embedded processors and bankable communication techno to combat present phase of cyber challenge.


Tourism Seeks A New Hype With NFR’s Higher Extension Of Secunderbad Trips

It is already evident from Northeast Frontier Railway’s extension of 20 trips from Guwahati, Assam to Secunderbad about the present necessity of traveler’s demand from both the destinations which is definitely to impact the state tourism.

These special trains are to ease out crowds with more provision of trains on the track so that the passengers enjoys their trip between two destinations but then there are many important other places that comes in between that intensifies the crowd in the initial of the trip.

Consecutive nine days the train services from Guwahati will remain to Secunderbad which departure time will always be 11.55 pm. In the similar way Secunderbad will depart ten trains from its station to Guwahati at early morning 5.40 a.m.


Guwahati Airport Authority Brings Wing To City School Children

This great chance was first to be experienced by MKM Primary School, Garal from Guwahati under Assam Airport Authority where the students were taken on to an educational trip to Delhi under the supervision of the school authority.

Expensive, Exciting and Educative wondrous trip by MKM Primary School, Garal from Guwahati which had the ability to do Triple XXX factor job to elevate the young minds towards education without missing the fun level in collaboration with IAF, Guwahati authority. 

Children whose parents never expected to fly got the wings to do it under IAF, Guwahati authority and MKM school authority who had initiated this step to make young minds feel bold to counteract the outer world and understand their social responsibilities. Previously, there are school administrations who use to take children for European and Global tours but not with IAF’s support.


Tuesday 27 August 2019

ITTC Brings New Economic And Employment Hope To Meghalaya

The Integrated Textiles Tourism Complex (ITTC) which was recently launched at Nongpoh in Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya by Indian Union Minister Smriti Irani where Chief Minister Conard Sangma was present revealed about government’s latest strategy to open 7,200 employment opportunity.

Under this tourism scheme 7,200 applicants will be initially trained in particular skills. As per to the Central government plan it aims to employ 30,000 people after developing their skills under this scheme.

According to Smriti Irani with initiate of successful training and engagement of 7200 people under this new project will ensure that they apart from boosting tourism partially also influence the textile industry including many other sectors.

So that the tourists get to explore more about Meghalaya. It is important to presently focus on demand driven skilling programme to boost the industry to influence the others. It is a national level scheme that is vested with financial support of Rs. 1,300 crore in the attempt to train 10 lakh people within three years time frame (2017-20).

Diversified planning like creating marketing platforms for local artists to sell their creative items and promote their region’s rich culture and tradition to develop its tourism. Inside the ITTC complex new attraction for tourist will be provided to feel the essence of its village life and its artesian methods of crafting various creative items to understand lot and feel about Meghalaya and its people.


CM Conard Sangma And Smriti Irani Comes Out With An Innovative Idea To Boost Meghalaya Tourism

Chief  Minister Conard Sangma and Union Minister Smriti Irani comes out with an innovative idea to boost Meghalaya Tourism so that the tourist do  not get exhausted with limited stuff for exploration and retain  their interest by engaging them on alternative stuffs never thought about to help them start discovering on a more detail stuff.

Directly enable them to get interact with its indigenous tribes to know the truth of its various art techniques. Meghalaya’s strength lies in fashion and textile industry due to magnificent handloom work, traditional method of crafting pattern and unique color combination of its weavers.

Moreover Shillong is to launch its state’s first National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) at Mawdiangdiang to boost tourists who are on outlook of indigenous touch on Meghalaya’s fashion industry which creative bundle of designers are doing great jobs worldwide winning prestigious laurels to the land.

In this mission the Integrated Textiles Tourism Complex (IITC) is to play a pivotal role in boosting alternative tourism by arranging mediums for various creative artists to promote the rich culture and tradition of the land through their art and crafts.


Pigs Makes A Stake To Mizoram Lives

Authority of Mizoram has sounded high alert to the state public as two new disease termed medically as African Swine Fever (ASF) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) were certified by medical expert to be highly deadly which are derived from pig meat.

For the safeguard of the society, especially the majority pork meat eaters of the state had been directed by the Mizoram Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Minister Dr K Beichhua to resist from consumption of pig meat to prevent further outbreak of the two new fatal diseases that were never heard before.

It is reported that the two new deadly diseases to have been traveled from the neighboring state Myanmar due to which the situation here in Mizoram has become more vulnerable. It is for which the Mizoram authority has instructed firmly to the District Magistrate to keep pig meats out of bay from the neighboring state.

Since the state is not prepared if the diseases outbreaks out of negligence and contaminates further the air. In this new big challenge the civil societies of the state are requested for their co-operation  to check that the ban on pig meats from neighboring state is strictly followed without fail.


Monday 26 August 2019

Assam NRC Is Not One Officer’s Job As External Departments Are Involved

NRC (National Register of Citizens) is not one officer’s job  as there are many category of groups are connected who are responsible in bringing accuracy to data input of every applied candidates.

Various government sectors comprising of Border Police and Foreigner’s Tribunals are involved to source out information against any cases found inappropriate. The officers in charge of particular Tribunal should mine out exact report of the applied candidate since it won’t be possible for the officers occupied in verification duty in one center to run here and there to exact input of data and to end the process at the given period time.


Torment Of Scorching Sun Soothed Guwahati By An Army Of Dark Clouds

Torment of scorching sun, an army of dark clouds soothed Guwahati with gust of wind and rain at mild percentage not to cool the night.

After extreme flood, Assam has been slashed from consecutive weeks rain. It took toll heavily on school children, vendors, outdoor players and people on duty. It was only the soft drink, tender coconut and ice-cream parlor dealers who took the advantage of extreme heat in Assam and saw double the income as most people’s tongue almost wagged out for them to beat the heat.


Assam People Still On The NRC Call Where Quality Check Is Concern

Assam people still on the NRC call where quality check is still going on strong as time soon to strike its deadline on 31st August, it is for the first time in Assam National Register of Citizens (NRC) had undergone multiple recheck.

But laws of exclusion continue on NRC list of names if flaws detected and personal absence of those during the hearing are not meet. NRC verifiers to intensifying their jobs in rectifying mistakes till 30th August before the final release of the draft on the next day.

Estimation of recheck in the future is very much possible as people who are left out will knock the doors of the court to overlook into the matter with just. On the ground level NRC Deputy Commissioners and Circle Officers, senior officers and field officers are giving in their best to make the final draft appear completely flawless, clocking finally as per to the target time frame set by the Supreme Court.


GNRC ‘Swasthya Mitra’ Is Extending Its Healthy Mission By Honoring The Credible

‘Swasthya Mitra’ is not to credit the efficient but extend the mission of healthcare in Assam since today the society needs people who are not only prompt in response but also understands and carry out medical relief in right manner without medical background due to which GNRC top healthcare centre Assam has frequented this event to bring to exposure more credible workers and honor publicly their priceless effort contributed.

Now to whom Swasthya workers are available? Swasthya Mitra group which means friends of health is programmed by a unit of community health workers from all over the region of the state whose main responsible is to cater education in the related field so that the particular area they are undertaking implements these helpful medical ideas in their personal life and grow a healthy society.

Today such workers  have increased to 2500 in numbers in Assam where they had been successful to touch more than millions  in the society of entire region.  The reason why mission is taking to growth as the current situation demands constant care and consultation. prompt action and greater education to all general people so that during the emergency hours people can help each other with right medical approach without delay.


IIT Guwahati Takes On To Unique Meaty Craft Techno!

IIT Guwahati takes on to unique food craft techno to meet consumable meaty product shortage criteria. This idea of IIT Guwahati to take a new revolution in the country and worldwide may succeed or will crush out for not being able to endure quality control and safe intake of meaty items.

Growing meat like similar substance with flavor intact is itself a biggest challenge which the IIT team of scientists have made it possible with the help of Biomaterial and Tissues Engineering lab support that helps create serum and hormone chemical of the animal to produce 1 kg of mutton with usage 8000 litres of water.

This patented process of meat making with tissue engineering concept is made with cheap and simple technique that can meet as per to customer’s nutrient level. It means this technology gives liberty to prepare meat as per to customer’s nutrient norms that is fatty or lean meat. Now that is quite cool to lower and increase the percentage fat and protein level but artificial meat will conventional meat eaters prefer to take the chance?


Sunday 25 August 2019

Umananda, Guwahati Attracts Huge Crowd On Extreme Sunny Sunday

Umananda a beautiful river island famous for ancient Shiva temple that makes it as best lovers point in entire Guwahati where youngsters come especially to shower devotion to their favorite deity on all occasion and wedding where apart form them it also attracts huge crowds of varied ages during extreme sunny day.

On 25th April where in Guwahati Sun God seemed to be too happy to extend its warmth, people escaped to shades under tree or cool riverbanks, windy boat trip and cool comfort of Umananda island. 

Crowds intensity made the environment of Umannada more jovial under the sunny roof. There was cool breeze in the Umananda island as it is dense with extreme greenery. The Assam government has made all best arrangements in Ummanda to make it as the most favorite spot for tourist. Umananda held a significant spot in Assam Tourism and the best time to visit here is in sunny summer and winter, avoiding monsoon.


Bangladesh Makes Tripura Economically More Potent

It is in the best interest of the state’s progress the Tripura government has attempted most diversified plan to ink in Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bangladesh to meet the growing petroleum product’s demand.

This initiative will cut heavy transportation expenditure as supply of the similar petroleum products from rest of India like Andhra Pradesh and Assam destinations becomes a huge pang to Tripura authority due to stake in timely delivery and unnecessary expenditure.

Alternatively if Tripura access 20 LPS bullet Trucks on pilot basis from Mongla Port in Bangladesh then they can easily cut delivery time wastage and provide prompt service to state’s customers at better rate. This alternative idea is quite economical where geographical challenges in other areas of India is concerned.

Already Tripura government is persuading the Indian government to initiate talk with Bangladesh for better road and port connectivity for smooth and safe communication between two nations.


Tripura To Get In Best Healthcare In Entire Northeast

Best in healthcare  in entire northeast Tripura government determines to complete its dream project for which the authority has decided to hire in more international hospitals experts from United States of America and has initiated talks.

CM Biplab Kumar’s this plan is initiated to work out for the stream of patients opting out of the state for heavy expenditure treatment, retain them instead at home with position of the best healthcare infrastructure that is boosted with best of medicare experts in the globe and equip of latest technology instruments provided in top healthcare  centers in the world.

Tripura government is ready to take the biggest medical challenge in Northeast by establishing a large Cancer treatment centre here in Tripura within quick frame of time. Already an infrastructure worth Rs. 160 crore has been set up with arrangements of all modern equipment and amenities to attract wider scale of people from nationwide.

This unique healthcare venture by Biplab Deb’s government would benefit the state in return with Rs.  200 to Rs. 250 crore annually since major patients of Northeast as well as Bangladesh would like to opt for nearest destination Tripura instead of draining out lakhs in rest of metro regions of India.

Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb at the venue of 11th foundation day celebration of the Tripura Institute of Paramedical (TIPS) at Amtali revealed about this futuristic successful plan as the state has all the required geographical atmosphere to become the medical hub of the Northeast.

Since with the completion of this international touch healthcare center, people of Tripura will be getting quality treatment at home with much better rate so that people from outside would like to travel in for treatment here.


Is CM Biplab Kumar Dev To Give A Tough Challenge To Nature In The Coming Monsoon 2020?

Erecting 1,477 check dams throughout the state in short span is a big challenge against nature during Monsoon phase 2020 which Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Dev is determined in corporation with foreign counterpart the Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Tripura government headed by CM Biplab Kumar is to initiate initial investment of Rs. 1000 crore for this mega “Project for Sustainable Catchment Forest Management” under which flood calamity control and economic growth factors are integrated.

Under “Project for Sustainable Catchment Forest Management” certain factors that Tripura CM Biplab to achieve are like flood control, fishery production enhancement, escalation of  tourism department, reduce soil erosion, flash flood control and river siltation prevention.

Japanese align party financially agreed to aid in for completion of 1,477 check dams in entire Tripura along with the existent 322 check dams.


Friday 23 August 2019

Can Arunachal Pradesh Take The Carbon Sink Pot Challenge?

The state government has a high end dream to transform Arunachal Pradesh as the most sought eco & adventurous tourism spot in Indian map.

The biggest challenge in accomplishing this big dream is that the Pema Khandu Government has to enhance its eco system with safeguard of its existent green without spoiling it by permitting rash infrastructure development without prior any proper planning. 

Since the mission to become India’s first ‘carbon sink destination’ will itself turn out to be the biggest challenge if Arunachal has extensive plan for infrastructure, real estate and route network development.


Article 371 H Crucial Enough In Building Arunachal Pradesh’s Future!

Now what factor of article 371 H is driving the Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu to push this feature far ahead at the centre?

The reason simply because the article 371 H will help open up multiple privileges that ensures rapid progress of the state. Chief Minister Pema Khandu thinks enforce of this act will help the state to meet its essential requirements apart from securing essential economic and cultural essence, make in road for futuristic progress plan, support customary laws of the region and strengthen indigenous people’s rights.

Arunachal CM Pema is quite very assure that India’s Prime Minister Narendar Modi to make the next mega step soon after the famous abrogation of Article 370 to interlink Kashmiris with rest of India and enjoy all the privileges of the Indian constitution.


If Nagaland Militants Going Bitter, Arunachal Pradesh On The Contrary Going Sweeter

If Nagaland militants going bitter, Arunachal Pradesh on the contrary going sweeter with Kiren Rijiju’s video tweet upload about a young Nagaland lad who in his morning zest made an impossible attempt for his breakfast that hit the internet for his funniest uncommon act.

This viral breakfast story video of the Nagaland tribe was recorded within 40 seconds time frame where it showcased how absurdly he went with his dangerous sting decision. The Nagaland youth without any bee defense had adamantly went towards the bee hive tree which was strongly guarded by army of bees.

Interestingly, what created traffic to this video is that the Nagaland youth after a pause of gaze at the situation, little later the beehive was found to be at his hand. It was absolutely shocking for any men to watch him do so as bee stings are painful.

Mind blowing act of this Nagamese lad of Nagaland’s hilly terrain was actually captured by another political figure known as Mhonlumo Kikon and from which tweet account Kiren Rijiju created viral in the internet by reposting it from his personal tweet account.

Since his account is accessible to more than 5000 viewers so Kiren’s post created instant viral of the funny act. Such uncut video clipping is rare to view and highly influential as it brings multiple mix reaction from various intellects and commoners. Simply touching to the heart this video captured multiple hearts including intellectuals who laughed out their hearts without thinking for an instance.


Thursday 22 August 2019

Janmasthami The Biggest Indian Celebration To Mark Off In Northeast In Different Flavor And Rituals

Janmasthami the traditional event of India is one of the biggest celebrations to mark off in Northeast on 23 August with different flavor and rituals by various geographic based devotees.

In NE as you could see people in states like Manipur and Assam's Vaishnav followers of Hindu religion to mark the event by displaying the favorite child hood act of Vishnu’s incarnation Lord Krishna’s birth with full zest.  

Still today in India including Northeast, Janmasthami is observed through display of Krishna Leela depicting Lord's exclusive way of taking birth in Devaiki’s womb and transferring to Yashoda’s house to resemble as her son hence so forth possessed two mothers in one lifetime. The demonic king Kamsa the uncle of Krishna for whom Vishnu incarnated to put an end to his atrocities from earth was satisfied to see the girl baby that is against the prophecy Yogamaya, Yasodha’s daughter exchanged with Devaiki’s eight child but with futile attempt to kill her.

Till today Janmasthami in Northeast is not only marked as Lord’s incarnation to devour evil from earth but also to relish Vishnu’s enduring and charismatic child hood stories and pranks to direct people towards laws of life and salvation. Huge procession of rath or chariot yatra including Bhagawat procession with full zest will  be marked today on 23 August Bhadra month of Hindu calendar, where with night fall 'Krishnai Leela' display with extensive Bhajan Kirtan through out the night will be carried in various parts of Northeast.


Special Women Empowerment On The Occasion Of Tripura’s Trio Phase Organizational Election

Special Women empowerment on the occasion of Tripura’s trio phase organizational election. It is a special moment for Tripura’s politic as the trio phase of organizational election is considered to be as great festive due to three months long polling.

Moreover it is not about one type poll campaign that is to be finished in particular duration of time that is not likely to be changed on the likes of Assembly or Lok Sabha. According to Pradyot Kumar Dhar the schedules of this festive polling will take off from September, October to November as a part of routine exercise.

Interestingly there are varied level of poll process where booth level to be conducted from 11th - 30th September whereas the Mandal level election is to carry from 11th - 31st October whereas the District level poll is scheduled from 11th - 30th November this year. This decision from BJP government is an internal matter and all the communities expected to participate in the event on mutual understanding. Even women will be equally empowered to participate in all the three level elections this year.


Tripura’s HIRA Policy Effective For State’s Development

Tripura’s HIRA policy effective for state’s development, according to the Tripura Chief Minister Biblap Kumar Dev this HIRA model is a best policy to be initiated to give shape to state’s development.

HIRA model is to represent H for Highway, R for Railway network, A for airport network whereas I for I ways (Digital Ways) for state’s development process that is to be empowered by the Prime Minister Narendar Modi.

Tripura Chief Minister Biblap had underwent various high level meet the Prime Minister Modi to ensure the plan works out well with required futuristic support from the Centre. It has great plan to change Tripura as Northeast’s most sought hub Centre and as such has identified plot for it.


Assam Unique Way To Attract Tourism And This Time Its Bhairabhkunda

Assam unique way to attract tourism and this time its Bhairabhkunda region is to receive special infrastructure development from the Central government as its environment has all the significant scenic tourist spots where the state authority has planned to carry out exclusive 11 day programme.

Renowned Viswa Shanti Shangthan organization to schedule this huge religious initiative by next year’s January begining during the auspicious Makar Sankranti phase of traditional celebration. First ever a mega religious event to be conducted by the Viswa Shanti Shangthan organization that is to be titled as” Makar Sankranti Bhairab Kumar Puja” from 5th to 15th January in 2020.

Expectation of tourist escalation is estimated with mega initiative by the Assam Government along with the Tourism department as Bhairabhkunda auspicious event to attract nearest destination state that is Arunachal Pradesh’s religious background people from Kalaktang, West Kameng district. To enhance inflow of people from the neighboring state the Viswa Shanti Shangthan group proposed the government to establish a triangular shaped cable car ropeway to connect both the regions which is also to influence the region's tourism.



Wednesday 21 August 2019

Pink Deal Likely To Extent As NFR Services Extensively Favored

Pink deal likely to extent as NFR services proven to be the base of major public requirement. In this challenging world where men and women work shoulder to shoulder and races at the same pace but females are found to be lagged behind more than inches due to insecurity.

NFR Chief Public Relations Officer ( CPRO) Pranav Jyoti Sharma thinks in this challenge of time for the women the pink deal service was opted as the best idea to counteract security issues. Visually from far a lady can detect where the train is stationed and where from to board fast the train without asking anyone. This concept is really working good with people on the busiest route.

Destinations like New Bongaigaon and Rangiya have huge tarnaction of travelers but then it does not means the rest nearest destination travelers to Guwahati do not have requirement and possibly NFR had to extent more lines apart from existent six open track for Pink services.


Tripura Tea Industry To Extent Its Market With International Clients

Tripura tea market is now to take new edge with interested international clients Bangladesh and Srilanka where this year its annual turnover was impressive of about 90 lakh production where the Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Dev investing a lot in this sector to boost its economy. Previously auction of Tripura tea auction was conducted in Calcutta and Guwahati but now the corporation is likely to have its own.

Regime of the BJP-IPFT has witnessed faster progress in Tripura tea industry’s production and sales sector. Now the tea industry has edged in specialized tea that ranges from Rs.8- 10,000 per kg and proud of white tea production.

It is for the first time the Tripura tea industry has gone long way to brand it with specific logo and named as Tripureswari Tea in this years’ beginning. Tripura Tea Development Corporation (TTDC) has made  a big difference in marketing strategy with earlier sale of Rs. 144 per kg to present growth of Rs. 177 per kg. Recently Tripura government is focusing to sell more quality tea and fetch better price for it and attract more international clients.


Architect Of Tripura To Brand State Airport As Maharaja Bir Bikram Manikya

It is not on the account of his birth  111th birth celebration at Chandra Maha, Agartala this decision came in but prior to state people’s demand much earlier due to which the Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Dev has decided.

It is not the first branding he has done to state’s significant sector but even to tea industry this year beginning by introducing its logo. Since Tripura aviation to become the main spine of international economy with Northeast and rest of India so for the first time BJP-IPFT government has decided to add some valuable essence.

It is Maharaja Bir Bikram Manikya’s high influential impact with people from other nations had helped artists, writers and businessmen to flourish here. Since his thinking was one step ahead he was positioned by the state people as father of modern Tripura. It was during tenure technology was infused in varied sectors for further development of the state where cities like Agartala, Udaipur and Dharamnagar  took to modern outlook.


Sunday 18 August 2019

Break Of Three Months Can Put An End To Nagaland Insurgency Matter

Prime Minister Modi’s government gives Nagaland insurgency a break to come out of terror concept within three months duration as it has determined to settle down all substantive issue to help them enjoy their rights and authority that solely belongs to them.

In this three months time frame the government interlocutors were urged to melt down matters on Nagaland’s insurgency by widening horizon on further peace talks with the state militants and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim Isak-Muviah (NSCN-IM) counteract.

It’s been 22 years enough time discussing about Nagaland insurgency and the attempt to break into its core matters is just till not yet done and now five years of BJP’s regime the conflicting issue has not subsided even after involving respective stakeholders, civil societies and church leaders to draw in final conclusion.

Newly appointed Nagaland Governor RN Ravi highlighted that Prime Minister Narendar Modi lead BJP government has come to the conclusion that it was enough five years time discussing on insurgency peace talk and since the centre has went ahead to fulfill their major demands it is vital to resolve the issue within three months time frame.

But it is true that without united effort from various groups of the state, fighting for its rights like the Naga intellectuals, Naga civil societies, Naga tribal bodies, Naga armed groups, grassroots leader, senior citizens, elders and Naga legislators the matter could not to be settled fast.


Can Tripura Government’s Investment Be The Answer To Student’s Educational Improvement?

The answer is no as the Central government based “Natun Disha” survey for NCERT curriculum based institutes reflected 57% student from class 3 to 8 standards did not show improvement in their performance and lapsed ability to compete at basic level exams.

It is on the basis of 25th-29th February “Natun Disha” educational survey report 2019 had revealed that the government based school run under NCERT course  did not have the competitive ability to excel and bring competitive intellectual enviornment. For which the Tripura government has made an extra attempt to invest for summer camp section in the schools with special training support to the underperform students to help motivate and excel.


Tripura Emphasizes Identifcation Of State Education

Prioritizing Education the Tripura BJP-IPFT lead government has for the first time initiated a Logo for the education department which facelift was conducted by the Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath at the state secretariat.

Influence of BJP regime has helped escalate education division in Tripura to a great extent with introduce of multiple amendments in the school education system, helping to  come out of earlier bad phase without any systematic process. Introduce of logo by the present government is made in the significance to create its identity for further influence in state’s education.


Nagaland To Join Up The Startup Race In India

Nagaland to join up the startup race in India as the government welcomes inviting profile to grow as an entrepreneur by providing them financial support as per to terms and condition through online application.

In the zest to engage greater population of unemployed for a dignified livelihood as per to their interested job, the Nagaland Chief Secretary, Temjen Toy initiated the inauguration portion of the state based Start Up portal site to help applicants to register for ‘Startuo Nagaland’. According to Chief Secretary, Temjen this is the best option for the Nagaland youth as  they will assisted with full guidance and required mentoring.


Friday 16 August 2019

Assam Government Along With PM’s Initiative To Intensify Udalguri As Tourism spot

Assam Government along with PM Narendar Modi's initiative to intensify Udalguri, Kokrajhar as tourism zone of the state since this region has potentiality to be escalated with new entertainment projects like toy train including ropeway venture establishments.

But this time the Uttar Pradesh authority of India has initiated with the Prime Minister Modi to establish new nano electric train service (toy train service) to help tourist experience a joy ride from Udalgiri starting point via Bhairabkunda to Kalatang in Bombdila which comes under West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh.

Ropeway the next attraction of Udalguri tourism project will be set at the mesmerizing backdrop Bhutan and China border to give the adventurers the real taste of Northeast, this project is a part of New India mission where the people of the district are eager to give a  dimension to it as soon  as possible.


Assam Police's Air and Power Shots Clinches Gold At World Event 2019

Assam Police archer Pallabi Das won gold at the World Police and Fire Games In China’s Chengdu in traditional category with 388 score. Another feather in the cap to Assam Police sport is Tunial Narzary who clinched in shot put the gold spot. It seems Assam Police had both caliber to aim through air and power shots with gold medalists in rifle and shot put.

The greatest happiness with these achievements at the World Police and Fire Games In China was brought to Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal who dedicated a lot in state’s sport upliftment.


Arunachal Pradesh’s New Language Revolution Makes Entry In Government Arena

Caveman style Wancho word encryption

Wancho the caveman encrypt design words seems interesting for visual treat but its community almost paid a price in their attempt to revolutionize their verbal concept to written form and enabling to make its entry in twenty government based institutes with its published handbooks.

The key player in making Wancho community of Arunachal to be recognized globally is all due to Banwang Losu the 37 years old teacher who dedicated his life in developing the language and getting it registered with US based Unicode Consortium recently so that search engine sites gives it a digital life to it.

In this challenging phase Banwang Losu would not have made it to this level without the aid of Wancho Cultural Society and Wancho Student’s Union who not only helped him to publish Wancho script in 2013 but also in revolutionizing this language that had no existence in virtual cyber world or popular digital medium.


Bhupen Hazarika’s Profound Memories Still Continues To Bring Laurel To Home

Bhupen Hazarika’s profound memories still continues to bring laurel to home and this time it was quite surprising from the central government to bestow the highest civilian award Bharat Ratna on the noted music director, lyricist, singer, filmmaker and poet of Assam, Northeast.

During his lifespan ‘Bhupen da’ as fondly the noted singer of Assam was remembered was lucky enough to receive prestigious awards like Padmashri, Dada Saheb Phalke Award, National Film Award, Padma Vibhushan including many others but this time his only son Tez Hazarika had to take this big opportunity on his behalf the Bharat Ratna the top ranked award in India from the Prime Minister Kovind.

Actually Bhupen Hazarika himself is an award to the society and his huge contribution to the music world is monumental but more than a musician he was a spirit born for humanitarian purpose as his works conveyed the message for society’s uplift by encouraging them to fight against justice and to win their right to liberty and dignified living.


Northeast Powerhouse Ring Fighters Emerge To Compete For World Champ In Russia

Northeast powerhouse ring fighters Mary Kom, Manipur the 36 year old has been graced to make entry at 51 kg level while another ace boxer from Assam Lovlina Borgohain the World and Asian bronze medalist will exceed to take 69 kg category competition at AIBA Women’s World Boxing Championship 2019 to be held at Ulan-Ude, Russia.

This six times World Champion and  two gold medal winner 2019 at India Open and Indonesia tournament was an instant choice for Women’s World Boxing Championship 2019 entry that provoked junior world champion Nikhat Zareen as she won’t be able to partake with her at 51 kg world contest to be held on October from 3rd to 13th in Russia. BFI has no refrain for Mary Kom to take a bout at the coming international tournament in Russia as in comparison to Zareen since the former has incredible  list of merit.

Even Golaghat’s young 21 years old boxing superstar Lovlina Borgohain, Assam is not far behind with her aces against her much senior fighter Mary Kom as she even emerged to settle with gold medal first time in her career at international event this year at Magomed Salam Umakhanov Memorial International Boxing Tournament at Kaspiysk, Russia. It seems it is her 69 kg warm up performance before 3rd  October World event at similar weight round competition.


Thursday 15 August 2019

She Cried For The Green And Became India’s First Green Ambassador At Her Nine

She cried for the green and became India’s first green ambassador at the age of nine when she would have been living the lives of any normal class V standard student but it was her passion for green that caught in the eye of Manipur’s Chief Minister N Biren Singh.

This passionate green lover Elangbam Valentina Devi who tends all the plants at her back yard before leaving for school reacted inconsolably when she found two of her planted Royal Poinciana trees were uprooted for government road widening project.

Elangbam who must have been five years way back when she was in class I at which time she had planted the Royal Poinciana tree by the river, the emotional bond with the trees for this tender mind was extreme and inconsolably cried after seeing its devastation for road development which scene went viral in the internet.

This viral video badly trapped CM Biren Singh for breaking the heart of someone so tender for which he compensated by ordering the forest department to deliver 20 saplings as a gift in return for the loss made to her and felt her to be the right choice for the present  genre to awaken on environment conservation by appointing her as Manipur’s green ambassador. Now such responsible title to such a tender age person is being appointed for the first time in India, it is a great pride for Elangbam whose attempt was entirely accidental.

It is all her passion which took the credit as the nine year old from Kakching district expressed her deepest gratitude towards the Manipur CM Biren Singh for recognizing her credibility for the prestigious role in supporting government sponsored plantation programmes and her concern why people fail to care for nature due to which Elangbam decides to become a forest officer in the future,”


Assam SBI Under Deep Shock Of Embarrassment Unable To Secure Client From Digital Theft

SBI undergoes a deep shock of embarrassment when one of its client in Assam complained about its inefficiency in blocking a lost ATM card of his when lodged complain in 2016 and was issued a new one but despite someone from Jharkhand was able to transact an amount of Rs. 3 Lakh in short interval time to time from  the victims’ account.

Now the victim a retired Guahati University official named as Anjan Kumar Das was unable to configure that when the State Bank of India has blocked and issued a new card then how come someone from Jharkhand transacted money from his account for fifteen times. But then why  the victim Das from Assam failed to check his transaction details for such a long gap to allow someone to access his account for numerous time.

Since as a card holder it is the duty for respective bank clients to check statement status after one or two weeks at the most due to intense cyber attack, Das was not significant that such threat to occur to him. But then on the counterpart of SBI it is a shocking lapse in their service and vigilance.


Independence Day Was Marked Peacefully In Most Parts of Northeast

Yes, there was tension in security following pre-Independence Day due to numerous cold threats from  terror outfits but finally on the ‘D’ day things went peacefully on 15th August the India’s Independence Day in most parts of Northeast.

This auspicious moment India’s Independence Day was observed with great enthusiasm followed with vibrancy of cultural shows apart from regular defense parade to pay honor to the nation’s freedom after a paying a price for it while fighting for decades against British regime.