Tuesday 25 December 2018

Christ And Kalki Puran’s Similar Version On God’s Coming

In the Bible it was the messiah of God or son of God - the lord Jesus who was born on the auspicious day of 25th December had mentioned before his crucification that when his Father (God) will come on earth he will arrive like a thief, riding on a fiery speed white horse with tongue of sword but millions of years before Christ the Holy scripture of Hindu the Kalki Puran also states the similar aspects.

According to the holy text Kalki Puran it will be the darkest period of Kali Chakra when from heaven lord Vishnu’s tenth incantation Kalki will descend from heaven with fiery speed on a white horse to strike threat on evils and clean the earth from sinners.

Jesus Christ’s birth is a miracle as his mother Mary became pregnant when she was a virgin and unmarried but Bible does not mention about lord’s birth details but in Kalki Puran the Hindu scripture even defines about mother and father of Kalki the tenth incarnation of God. It will be in a village named Shambhala (that is hidden from geographic account but will appear on to the surface, lying underneath the earth at the right time) the lord Kalki will be born to mother Sumita ( a lady with knowledge of virtue) and father Vishnuyasa ( a Brahman) is mentioned in the Vedic Puran of Hindu scripture.

Personality of the Godhead is mentioned in both the holy Bible and ancient scripture of Kalki Puran that He will arrive in a white horse and there will be thunder in the sky. But the devour of evil is mentioned with a twist in Bible as it mentions from the sword of mouth and Hindu Kalki Puran mentions with strike of lightening sword.

Jesus says to the people of light (of noble practice) unlike the people of dark with evil practice that “We must wear faith and love as a breast plate and hope as Helmet for salvation.  God did not choose us to suffer his anger, but to possess salvation with observe of his divine law.”

Jesus on lord’s coming at the exceeding hours of darkness on earth had mentioned, “When people will say everything is quiet and safe, then suddenly as the pain comes upon a woman in labour, people of darkness will find no ways to escape.” Jesus was born to die on Cross to take away sins from earth but lord will come to clean the sinners from the earth.

Writer- Sumi Bora

                                                  To welcome the world of Light. -(NEIC)

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