Thursday 22 August 2019

Special Women Empowerment On The Occasion Of Tripura’s Trio Phase Organizational Election

Special Women empowerment on the occasion of Tripura’s trio phase organizational election. It is a special moment for Tripura’s politic as the trio phase of organizational election is considered to be as great festive due to three months long polling.

Moreover it is not about one type poll campaign that is to be finished in particular duration of time that is not likely to be changed on the likes of Assembly or Lok Sabha. According to Pradyot Kumar Dhar the schedules of this festive polling will take off from September, October to November as a part of routine exercise.

Interestingly there are varied level of poll process where booth level to be conducted from 11th - 30th September whereas the Mandal level election is to carry from 11th - 31st October whereas the District level poll is scheduled from 11th - 30th November this year. This decision from BJP government is an internal matter and all the communities expected to participate in the event on mutual understanding. Even women will be equally empowered to participate in all the three level elections this year.


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