Monday 26 August 2019

Assam People Still On The NRC Call Where Quality Check Is Concern

Assam people still on the NRC call where quality check is still going on strong as time soon to strike its deadline on 31st August, it is for the first time in Assam National Register of Citizens (NRC) had undergone multiple recheck.

But laws of exclusion continue on NRC list of names if flaws detected and personal absence of those during the hearing are not meet. NRC verifiers to intensifying their jobs in rectifying mistakes till 30th August before the final release of the draft on the next day.

Estimation of recheck in the future is very much possible as people who are left out will knock the doors of the court to overlook into the matter with just. On the ground level NRC Deputy Commissioners and Circle Officers, senior officers and field officers are giving in their best to make the final draft appear completely flawless, clocking finally as per to the target time frame set by the Supreme Court.


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