Sunday 18 August 2019

Break Of Three Months Can Put An End To Nagaland Insurgency Matter

Prime Minister Modi’s government gives Nagaland insurgency a break to come out of terror concept within three months duration as it has determined to settle down all substantive issue to help them enjoy their rights and authority that solely belongs to them.

In this three months time frame the government interlocutors were urged to melt down matters on Nagaland’s insurgency by widening horizon on further peace talks with the state militants and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim Isak-Muviah (NSCN-IM) counteract.

It’s been 22 years enough time discussing about Nagaland insurgency and the attempt to break into its core matters is just till not yet done and now five years of BJP’s regime the conflicting issue has not subsided even after involving respective stakeholders, civil societies and church leaders to draw in final conclusion.

Newly appointed Nagaland Governor RN Ravi highlighted that Prime Minister Narendar Modi lead BJP government has come to the conclusion that it was enough five years time discussing on insurgency peace talk and since the centre has went ahead to fulfill their major demands it is vital to resolve the issue within three months time frame.

But it is true that without united effort from various groups of the state, fighting for its rights like the Naga intellectuals, Naga civil societies, Naga tribal bodies, Naga armed groups, grassroots leader, senior citizens, elders and Naga legislators the matter could not to be settled fast.


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