Thursday 28 July 2022

GMDA And GMC, Assam Lacks Transparency On Crores Of Money Invested For Flood Free Projects

Way back in 2014 Guwahati Metropolitian Development Authority (GMDA) was allotted 750 crore to revamp drainage system especially the low lying areas but the present phase seems to be out of gear where even flood free zones have been affected in June 2022.

Now where has the money been implemented by GMDA has never evaluated the matter publicly. If the centre has to release money loouoking into the present threat will NDRF release the money for such pace of work? Is GMC appointed workers are in the spree of looting money for the work half done?

Ever since the drains are cleared the garbage are left to be pushed by heavy rains back into the drain. Now how a city will get rid of drain blocks? Prashanta Deka says, "GMC is fooling with public property and lives as they don't care if people have to remain house arrest and gets drowned."

Nayanika Mukherjee a teacher states, "Students are worst affected if they are unable to attend exam and class. The school cannot remain closed due two to three students. Mostly during rain buses get stuck in heavily flooded areas and the students do not reach in time. We want GMDA to take some responsible action as citizen of India. There should not be exterior parade of big plans which showcase gets washed away in heavy rains. Sincerity to job is true patriotism we don't have to showcase love for our country."

GMDA promised scientific survey of drainage system in Guwahati in 2014 to this engineer Pritam Dutta said, "GMDA failed badly in this mission because they did not approach local expert who has better ideas to confront the situation. Moreover strict action against illegal occupation of government lands has not been taken else flood would not have take a serious turn."




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