Monday 26 August 2019

GNRC ‘Swasthya Mitra’ Is Extending Its Healthy Mission By Honoring The Credible

‘Swasthya Mitra’ is not to credit the efficient but extend the mission of healthcare in Assam since today the society needs people who are not only prompt in response but also understands and carry out medical relief in right manner without medical background due to which GNRC top healthcare centre Assam has frequented this event to bring to exposure more credible workers and honor publicly their priceless effort contributed.

Now to whom Swasthya workers are available? Swasthya Mitra group which means friends of health is programmed by a unit of community health workers from all over the region of the state whose main responsible is to cater education in the related field so that the particular area they are undertaking implements these helpful medical ideas in their personal life and grow a healthy society.

Today such workers  have increased to 2500 in numbers in Assam where they had been successful to touch more than millions  in the society of entire region.  The reason why mission is taking to growth as the current situation demands constant care and consultation. prompt action and greater education to all general people so that during the emergency hours people can help each other with right medical approach without delay.


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