Thursday 23 April 2020

Holy Activities On To A Stall Is COVID-19 Is God’s Interruption Or Interpretation Of Anger?

It’s four months in a row and we have accounted series of unaccountable deaths worldwide that the world’s history has encountered. Yes! Now people are getting answer to end COVID-19 but the percentage of affected people is beyond human capacity to control the corona virus victims from falling to its death trap. Before this pandemic COVID-19 battle ends, 2020 to leave a painful memory of death figure than any year had evident.

Highest percentages of corona victims are on to the mercy of God due to limited treatments. It is even a tiring journey for the warriors who are managing every ways to control the death rates and saving people from getting affected. 

Is it the time for God to shuffle his harvest and pass his final judgment? For fear has extolled in the hearts of majority as they feel will it be their next turn as the Corona virus continues to mutate as per to climatic condition of a region and has the potency to threaten people in disguise. Even the symptoms have started to differ and before people come to realize that it is Corona which has come to take hold of him, finds no escape but to get ready for COVID-19 battle ground. Still the world is confused whether COVID-19 is a natural disaster or human fault or interpretation of God’s anger! 



Novel COVID-19 Has Made The Scenario More Noble By Bringing Men To Humble And Relief To Nature

Our mother earth has almost worn out due to toxic practice by the human race but COVID-19 entry has relieved it from extreme pollution and destruction to greenery with worldwide emphasis of longer duration lockdown. 

Luxury earlier was taken into head to extremity where people denied to take care of their own household and belongings, leaving caretakers to take care of it. Now with intense social distancing law emphasis people are even ready to take care of their maids and helper’s job. Running around the house to keep their errands clean to ward off germ to distract Corona Virus invitation, we are seeing that the high class group have been humbled by COVID-19 phase. Is it a way that God is trying to interpret about futuristic changes to welcome a different world, bringing greed under control.


Tuesday 21 April 2020

Today India Bears Highest Corona Crisis Due To Digital Lapse!

India was slowly gearing up to make it as a digital nation with  fast implementation of internet networking by faster spread of its information to ensure remote areas to brace up e-transaction mode for quick business networking and improving economic influences in its region before being hit by Corona crisis.

But today due to slow internet networking or digital lapse has intensified Corona crisis in India as majority Indians are crippled with e-knowledge and fails to remain updated on fight against COVID-19 deadly battle. Now still major Indians are not informed about the launch of Arogaya Apps. Even if half of the Indian population know about Arogaya Apps then they don't know how to process it for usage and access all the facilities entitled by this latest technology.

Corona's latest update is even a challenging task for various media channels as even its professionals are bearing deadly burnt from it, putting higher risk in garnering information from targeted zones and keeping track on this deadly virus's nature of impact. For people are still not aware on social media norms to stay digitally informed and help share information to awaken Indians on Corona's nature of development.

There is lack of patience in people who are financially hit by Corona lockdown phase to initiate necessary steps digitally and stay virtually protected before contacting a zone to meet one's daily end. People are still running on bikes and moving on road without a shield on mouth as if India is safe from COVID-19 battle.


How Accurately Updated On Corona Activities In Your Locality?

Sticking to the media won't help you figure out exactly whether you are well updated on COVID-19 activities in your locality and for such concentric regional information many companies are starting to build up apps or software that can guide you digitally through your mobile.

Arogaya is the first Indian based company to introduce an digital apps to help billion plus population to navigate on Corona's gain of strength on its environment and its mode of impact to gear up against its challenging situation.

One can easily search by placing one's state, city and area to get accurate information about rate of infected and fatalities including precaution guidance. Just that you need to download Playstore apps in your mobile for quick upload of the Arogaya apps. It is your right to know whether you are in red or green zone and work as a responsible citizen by strictly following all measures to stop Corona succeed in figures.


Sunday 19 April 2020

Pork Ain't Safe Against Virus Then How Safe Is Meat Against Corona?

Meat essential has been recognized in certain Northeast, Indian market and so we have seen the swing in its production and sales peak but if we see the reality the highest rate of health issues occurs from pork meat now in an corona infected or wet zone like Wuhan meat market how possibly any nation would have controlled COVID-19 spread?

If India or its Norheast zones have won the initial test of COVID-19 war could its wet market endure its brand for a long run? No doubt series of festive occasions are on the run from April beginning but will our traditions endure against COVID-19 Challenge 2020. Wuhan impression is too strong to forget and be more carefree Indians.


How Safe Is Local Made COVID-19 Mask?

COVID-19 rise has seen high swing in earning mode among those scale of group who can at least stitch but the point is do they know the norms to meet medical quality against corona virus resistant in India?

Usually the single layer COVID-19 mask has fine pores to filter in fresh air but not certified against corona droplet infection that are availed easily in the market.

Corona targeted zones are not friendly to such single layered masks, it requires more define norms with safe germ resistant chemical layer and one time use if the enviornment is more challenging. 

Already India is competing far better than any nations in Corona battle but could the range of virus spread be controlled without defense of proper mask in the market at beatable price? What's the point if we are entering into a battle without proper defense against unseen enemy?


Is The World Prepared For Perfect Tailor Made COVID-19 Mask?

Yes, we have heard about many tailor-made stuffs that not only fits in our bill but even our security and ultimate design norms but why not a reliable mask that could be reusable and Corona virus threat free?

“Mask” if we see the term is implied to meet simple garment necessity especially in polluted and medical arenas. But why there is no ultimate concept design corona free masks are not made for greater  safe use? Even America has bowed against its production. Today America has stopped its supplement to other nations and are trying hard to meet local demands. 


Thursday 16 April 2020

COVID - 19 On Highest Rampage, It Seems God Has Taken The Rein Of Doctors

Usually doctors are known as savior of human lives but this time with limited medical preparation even medical practitioners are bowing to God to improve the COVID-19 battle.

No doubt India's advance precautionary measure has shown the path to the world to handle the situation successfully with less casualty but even the nation is in short of testing kits plus required tools to combat the spreading Corona disease in the air.

Already we know army of medical stuffs are fighting hard against this unseen enemy but even COVID-19 care zones have come under containment, putting threats to the victims who have hope. It seems we cannot surpass life and death situation as God has destined.


Assam Seems To Have Been Struck By A Lion When Bordoisila Cyclone Made An Unusual Landfall

It was 15th April when the vibrant people of the state was preparing to immerse in the joyful moment to welcome the grand Rongali Bihu festivity but it seems it is not the Novel COVID-19 deadly virus’s interruption well it was due to the annual visit of Bordoisila Cyclone that made a landmark landfall just like a lion makes its move for kill.

It is true nothing trades between a lion and Bordoisila Cyclone which yesterday on 15th April had made a stunning landfall that never ever before the viewers of Assam could have had glimpsed from a tall altar.

It was a strange spectacular view that Bordoisila cyclone that had made impact in Assam’s history with such potency by rising dust wind mystically from the Uttar Guwahati Brahmaputra riverbank in a never before huge ball of cloud on 15th April, encompassing the  entire view of India’s largest Brahmaputra river. Putting life to a stall for half an hour .
by Bordoisila Cyclone of Assam


Monday 13 April 2020

Whatsapp 2020 Bohag Bihu!

2020 Bohag Bihu begins with a different essence as Lockdown counts due to COVID-19 precaution in the entire state wide and so people are celebrating this big festive of Assam in Whatsapp way.

To communicate with dear ones worldwide and shower their  heartfelt Bohag Bihu wishes in virtual mode through Whatsapp. Except that in this virtual celebration people won't be experiencing the taste of handmade delicious Bohag Bihu items and on stage performance of dancer's team. Be a safe virtual Bohag Bihu celebration with growing threats of COVID-19 in India.


Bohag Bihu Vibrancy Indomitable Even During COVID-19 Lockdown In Assam

Advent of Bihu, the colorful festivity of Bohag  month of April on 14th that is followed ritually in each year in Assam could be felt virtually through online flood of wishes where now even the elders are showered with respect in Assamese traditional way through famous Whatsapp mobile mode in remote to urban areas.

But Bihu festivity in Assam is impossible to control though COVID-19 lockdown is observed ritually with minimal break down, youngsters could be still seen on bikes zooming to woo any lady on empty road. Since colorful stage lit by golden ladies with muga gold silk assembled with red gamusa, top and bindu on forehead during Bohag Bihu could not be cherished for the first time in Assamese history. 

Spring in Assam, especially in the phase of Bohag month that starts from April 14th is signified as mating moment between youngsters with follow of Goru or Cow Bihu on Sankranti today on 13th April that is to mark the end of Sot month by smearing mah and haldhi on cows and giving them a special bath.

If in one house in village area a young lad’s creation of instrumental vibe to invigorate the air of Bihu moment, makes female Bihu dancers restless to come out and dance to the jovial tune at their yard. Since the music of gogona, buffalo pipe or pepa and dhol can attract anyone out of Assamese culture to relish the Bihu fever in Assam. COVID-19 has locked everything in human world but not the souls of Bihu makers as still special sweets are prepared and served to welcome the Bihu moment. It seems Bihu advent in Assam is indomitable.


Friday 10 April 2020

Bordoisila Cyclone On To Heavy Ramp Up Before Bihu Fest In Assam

It is an unusual visit made by Bordoisila Cyclone with heavy shower of rain and hailstones, bringing the city to stall at night when expected in the late month of Bohag this year 2020 in many places of Assam .

Thanks to COVID-19 lockdown else greater casualty would have been estimated as Bordoisila Cyclonic speed was extreme to bring down trees, feeble tin shades, hoardings and various public properties on road. Making Guwahati city literally look like as if a scattered ground with garbages everywhere.

Bordoisila Cyclone is also a blessing in disguise as it cleaned off the dusty air of April beginning in Assam's major places affected by it. To help fight against Corona virus that remains settled over various layers. Many people lost their shelters in this run of Bordoisila Cyclonic swap over in many places of Assam on 9th April, 2020


Available Cheap Foods To Survive Under COVID-19 Challenge

Food Stocks Disappearing OMG! Now how to survive Lockdown Challenge? Is the biggest question  that people worldwide and poor majority nation like India is looking out for to remain safely lockdown without frequent exposure to people outside while looking for food stocks.

Best, buy one time for three weeks or a month period, depending on what’s your budget and ability to bring down larger quantity food stocks. Aged and sick people can look out for reliable healthy people with strict COVID-19 measures to bring greater quantity food stuffs at home. Treat them well without overindulgence as they are your hope.

Now what are the stuffs with which combo you can prepare easy breakfast, lunch and dinner, especially frequent food for pregnant and children whose quick hunger keeps interfering?

It is easy to keep long larger quantity potato and rice at cheap price. Boil rice easily with water and add of ghee or butter for greater taste. So that when you serve add required sugar and little salt to have it. To add greater taste have it with boil potato with add of little oil when cooked soft. Also you can add salt, chili, onion, ginger,  or pickle you choose then mix it well for greater taste.

Canned meat remains long if you pay a little for greater food entertainment. Cook it with fried onion, garlic or desired vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, peas, and carrot including many other to increase volume to serve for sufficient members. Bet it goes well with mix of rice, rotis, bun, dalia and oats bowl. 

Pickles from meat, fruit and vegetables you can prepare it easily by cooking it with oil and desired spices. Better watch Youtube and recipe sources to do it correctly as it is the easiest way to preserve before it rots after a long storage.

Potatoes remain good when kept open on floor over a cloth if you buy it in greater quantity as it cheap to purchase and found in abundance rather than any vegetables. Frequent exposure of raw potatoes and onions in the sun helps it stay rotten free. 

Potato smash or boiled potato slices added with properly soaked whole gram seeds, roasted peanuts, mustard oil and chopped dhania fresh leaves is an ideal snack whenever you want to have food frequently. Bowl of rice, oats, bread, buns and chapatis including other grain items you can have it often in a day or twice daily in larger  volume along with  varied potato items with just salt and add of desired stuffs.


Few Takes On Ground To Save Affected When Billions Braves Up Growing COVID-19 Challenge!

I Have Locked Down Myself

   To keep you safe my countrymen,
I cannot choose to betray you by taking your precious lives,
Pray you remain safe and take care of yourself,
For I cannot choose to come out to help you
If you become a victim.
But can make an effort to reach the one who knows how to handle your situation,

Save your rest dear ones from getting affected.
It is a big sacrifice by all who have sacredly followed lockdown rule,
Even if they have no food, water and essentials 
To cope this extreme heart rending phase.
Especially those who have no proper shelter and are cut off from dear ones
Under sudden lockdown declaration. 

Sacred ‘Lockdown Observers’ are no better than soldiers
Battling Hard to stall COVID-19’s further Impact
Salute for being saviors of Billions Indian population

For there would be no better easy measure in this complicated ‘COVID-19 Warfare’,
As entire world’s best intellect and wise have failed to end this COVID-19 battle.

NEIC: Peek On Billion Indians During Covid-19 Battle

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Zomato Back On To An Intelligent Strategy After Corona Set Back

As a grocery distributor role which is at present high on demand as people fear to go out to buy their desired stuff from distance destinations now Zomato to provide prompt wheel service.

So that unlike other grocery distributor, Zomato would come their customers' door and save people from complete drain out of food.

This big food supplier Zomato has indeed taken a bold step to keep their service on by changing track from food chain supplier to grocery supplier. Such certain alternate business strategy decision by entrepreneurs are not helping a nation to run when people have become paralyzed due to lockdown but also keeping many employed.


"When I Will Unite With My People As Locked Under Lockdown"?

Painful and frustrating but people are aware that there is no solution but to observe strict lockdown before getting infected by Corona virus as the world is  entering slowly to 1 lakh deaths.

Some people who went out of home have become suddenly cut off from their people, especially children and elderly people are witnessing greater difficulty in India as the decision was too fast. A couple with their children who had went out for a business trip is following a nightmare in their friend's residence without proper food.

In some places in India where people's life remains only on daily wages and salary have to abandon temporary homes by walking long distances to seek transport to their destinations.

This 21 days cycle of COVID-19 has all of a sudden has changed India's parameter of economic pace but has impacted heavily on normal lifestyle. First time in history entire world's Karmic phase has come down to a standstill. What heaven has decided for making abrupt intervention in global karmic cycle? 2012 dooms day prediction had shaken people worldwide but never so worse like COVID-19 in entire global history of pandemic chaos and casualty peak.


Indian Air Force, Only Hope For Millions Countrymen Trapped In COVID-19 Attack

Yes, it is miserable that COVID-19 deadly virus has overpowered India along with rest of global nations but the greater pain is for the families stuck abroad, missing their dear ones with uncertain fate, it is a great relief what bold act India Air Force is doing by risking themselves during evacuation.

Horror and triumph scenario which evacuation staff underwent is spine chilling when each bold air force staff relates. But we know that we should accept our evacuated citizens as it is though greatest threat lies from them. It is important to cheer them up during their isolation phase through online touch and maintaining strict norms of lockdown for entire safety.

India is struggling hard without sufficient test kits as per to the requirement as many heathcare staff feels during this challenging hour of COVID-19 21 days cycle to avert third phase. But in this battle we should not forget our air force staff who are nation's greatest hope as billion dear citizens are left  helpless to defend themselves alone abroad against  the horror of COVID-19 attack with much more challenging situation with extreme death rates and infected cases.


Tuesday 7 April 2020

If Hospitals And Medical Staff Are Getting Contaminated By Corona Virus Indians Should Value Lockdown!

It is not a long term holiday phase sanctioned by the Indian authority to leisure around but to secure oneself by social distancing to avoid exposure to corona virus contaminated air in our environment due to exposure of more COVID-19 victims during lockdown.

Figures of affected cases of COVID-19 are increasing in India also rapidly with lead of 4000 plus cases and near 1000 (+) cases each day. If figures escalate then people will loose hope of survival if this deadly virus contaminates even India'shealth centres.

Rather than any disease or fatal health situation COVID -19 will ease out more fatality rates. So stay home and do exercises, also eat well to fight against corona overpower. Please do keep your mouth shield even when you are talking with proper observance of distances. Take care and be safe!


Is Northeast, India Inviting Corona During Lockdown?

We can see people in scanty numbers buying foods from stores but without mask and proper cover up of body, frustratingly making open verbal communication as if they don't care about 21 days corona virus cycle threat.

In Northeast cases of COVID-19 are few in comparison to other states in India due to which people are content what they do, till sudden Police battering wakes them up.

People here in Northeast are least bothered how India's Covid-19 cycle is drastically changing to worse with growing (+)1000 cases each day.

It is important for buyers in any place to secure stock at one time for one month period instead of going out frequently to avoid greater exposure to Corona virus that is spreading in the air from a contaminated individual who is yet to be aware about his threat.

Be your own shield guard and don't expect situation to change better for you because you prayed to God everyday to protect you from Corona. It is shameful citizens don't act responsibly and putting others lives in risk. Nobody wants India to go to third  stage so act wise now for your own good and not to talk about others.


Monday 6 April 2020

If Proper Vaccine Is Not Released By April, Corona Is Unstoppable!

Seeing the trend in graph how Corona positive cases escalating day by day, not to talk about a week it is taking a high steep of 1000 + cases in India where even in its central economic centre like Mumbai its famous hospital Wockhard is declared as contaminated zone, taking nurses and doctors under its attack.

China has implemented effective traditional medicinal values in their modern medicinal research for faster recovery from Corona situation. If China has probable answer to bring back Wuhan (the corona epicentre) to normalcy then it might help other drug researchers to prepare vaccine to combat corona battle. 

Traditional methods are effective but to stronger immune category people which makes future bleak for rest. People worldwide are tumbling to corona fatality with present lead of 70, 000 deaths under its grip. Though Indians are putting a strong front but each day positive COVID-19 cases are starting to make small waves with lead of 4000 plus infected cases in its latest countdown. But the good news is that India due to early lockdown and effective measures, controlling fatal rates to 100.


Will Donald Trump Go Back To Indian Traditional Ayur Root To Save American From COVID-19 Attack?

Ayurvedic traditional medicine from genre to genre has shown strong effective result in strengthening the immune system apart from respiratory ailment recovery including its safe preventive cure measures which after COVID-19 attack has made global health scientists incumbent to research on its natural cure study to combat corona battle.

Even India now witness emergency for right vaccine solution with escalating positive cases of COVID-19. Even America’s president Donald Trump is looking for Ayurvedic cure that India’s top leading herbal industrialist Ramdev’s Patanjali has innovated Ashwagandha herb and hydroxychloroqui mix medicine to avert corona virus’s further attempt in the body. But this drug will work as allopathic cure as modern measures will be implemented along with ashwagandha herb support.

Combination of phythochemicals derived from various natural sources like Tulsi, Ashwagandha and Giloy as per to Ayurvedic study under Patanjali research, works effective with required amount of protein to help the body fight against Corona virus development. Still the process is on papers for Indian authority to sanction Patanjali for release of corona cure medicine cure products in the market.


Sunday 5 April 2020

Psychological Defense Against COVID-19 Trauma With Escalate In Graph

As COVID-19 cycle graph escalates to adversity jumping from 528 positive cases on 25th March to 2,902 on 4th March while edging figuring on 5th March with 3, 398 cases in India.

It’s painful to realize approaching invisible deadly COVID-19 attack since nobody wants to die when we know we are fighting each moment against death approach. It is frustrating that we cannot see but know through the affected ones nearby us COVID-19 overpower.

We cannot help as we don't know how to escape from it. Fear for our life looms when we see the victims of COVID-19 as it reflects the biggest threat ahead of us and impelling normal people to forget about humanitarian act to save the dying. This entire circumstance completely drains us out psychologically and we become mentally dead before death arrives.

It is a difficult phase but we can vindicate the situation with small initiative on each day like:

Take a deep breath with eyes closed to help calm our anxiety, enabling us to ideate how to overcome the situation. 

Ensure proper nap and forget about the bitter world outside. 

Body workout helps strengthen mind. 

Reduce pressure by visualizing what you want in life and how to give shape to it. 

Wherever you may be take a deep breath and meditate by playing to soothing music to relax out your stress.  

Release beautiful aroma during meditation as it works perfect therapy to elevate the mind from trouble and anxiety. 

Creative work could simply suck out your mind from lethargic experience of failing situation during COVID-19 battle. It is important to share more love and concern for the affected like the elderly sick people, pregnant, beggars, homeless and children to avert vulnerability during the lockdown phase. Jai  HInd to all fighters and saviors of the nation against COVID-19 battle!


Friday 3 April 2020

Preparedness Can Only Save From COVID-19 And Avert Foolish Act Like Nizamuddin's Muslim Group

Assam on latest trending highest COVID-19 positive cases in Northeast, India followed by two more states like Manipur and Mizoram respectively with invasion of 350  pilgrims from Delhi who had went to Nizamuddin Markaz's congregation. 

Exposure of more people to this deadly disease COVID-19 after interaction with certain infected Muslim pilgrims who did not maintain isolation after arriving in Assam is high on possibility. It is yet to come to light all those hiding religious COVID-19 carriers from  Delhi as Assam state authority is taking effective steps to hunt down them down through consecutive special warnings.

Recently from Nalbari district the Assam security was able to hunt down more returned attendee at Nizamuddin Markaz's congregation, escalating COVID-19 positive cases to 20 from previous 16 detect.

Now Assam along with nation holds threat to many Indians as this religious community  had inflow of people from various states.

Foremost request now to the people who had come  in exposure with this affected religious group by health authorities of respective states is that to get health check up done before its too late and avert peril to their lives and their dear ones close to them.

Places from where COVID-19 cases were derived are from Assam are Golaghat district, Kamrup, Nalbari, Jorhat and Morigaon districts. The affected people of COVID-19 in Assam are presently undergoing treatment in Jorhat, Silchar and Guwahati medical colleges.

At Deadly situation any ignorant act under superstitious pretension is not tolerated by invisible virus that holds  no boundary, cast and rank of people it treats same to all.


Running Or Remaining In Hide Out Is Not The Right Approach To COVID-19

It is a foolish act to run away and hide from COVID-19 health check up as Nizamuddin's religious Muslim group with members from all over the states of India are preparing perils to million lives for not maintaining laws.

Now affected members of this religious Muslim group from Delhi is bringing COVID-19 deadly  invitation to many households of India.


Thursday 2 April 2020

Northeast Is Sensing Vitmain C Drug Shortage As It Strengthens Immune To Fight COVID-19 Attack

If people ask to their nearest pharmacist in Northeast, India for Vitamin C drug the answer is negative "its not in the stock". 

But its no time to panic as you can procure it from curd prepared from milk, fruits like olive, orange, grapes, berries and papaya to build your immune system and help fight against germs. Help stay away from flu and cold to distract corona invitation.

Choose vegetable stocks with high Vitamin-C content like lemon, gourd and sour enhancing various pulse leaves in your green hub at home and star fruit (under veg and fruit categories) for consumption to strengthen immune to resist COVID-19's fatal threat.