Tuesday 21 April 2020

Today India Bears Highest Corona Crisis Due To Digital Lapse!

India was slowly gearing up to make it as a digital nation with  fast implementation of internet networking by faster spread of its information to ensure remote areas to brace up e-transaction mode for quick business networking and improving economic influences in its region before being hit by Corona crisis.

But today due to slow internet networking or digital lapse has intensified Corona crisis in India as majority Indians are crippled with e-knowledge and fails to remain updated on fight against COVID-19 deadly battle. Now still major Indians are not informed about the launch of Arogaya Apps. Even if half of the Indian population know about Arogaya Apps then they don't know how to process it for usage and access all the facilities entitled by this latest technology.

Corona's latest update is even a challenging task for various media channels as even its professionals are bearing deadly burnt from it, putting higher risk in garnering information from targeted zones and keeping track on this deadly virus's nature of impact. For people are still not aware on social media norms to stay digitally informed and help share information to awaken Indians on Corona's nature of development.

There is lack of patience in people who are financially hit by Corona lockdown phase to initiate necessary steps digitally and stay virtually protected before contacting a zone to meet one's daily end. People are still running on bikes and moving on road without a shield on mouth as if India is safe from COVID-19 battle.


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