Monday 6 April 2020

Will Donald Trump Go Back To Indian Traditional Ayur Root To Save American From COVID-19 Attack?

Ayurvedic traditional medicine from genre to genre has shown strong effective result in strengthening the immune system apart from respiratory ailment recovery including its safe preventive cure measures which after COVID-19 attack has made global health scientists incumbent to research on its natural cure study to combat corona battle.

Even India now witness emergency for right vaccine solution with escalating positive cases of COVID-19. Even America’s president Donald Trump is looking for Ayurvedic cure that India’s top leading herbal industrialist Ramdev’s Patanjali has innovated Ashwagandha herb and hydroxychloroqui mix medicine to avert corona virus’s further attempt in the body. But this drug will work as allopathic cure as modern measures will be implemented along with ashwagandha herb support.

Combination of phythochemicals derived from various natural sources like Tulsi, Ashwagandha and Giloy as per to Ayurvedic study under Patanjali research, works effective with required amount of protein to help the body fight against Corona virus development. Still the process is on papers for Indian authority to sanction Patanjali for release of corona cure medicine cure products in the market.


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