Wednesday 8 April 2020

Indian Air Force, Only Hope For Millions Countrymen Trapped In COVID-19 Attack

Yes, it is miserable that COVID-19 deadly virus has overpowered India along with rest of global nations but the greater pain is for the families stuck abroad, missing their dear ones with uncertain fate, it is a great relief what bold act India Air Force is doing by risking themselves during evacuation.

Horror and triumph scenario which evacuation staff underwent is spine chilling when each bold air force staff relates. But we know that we should accept our evacuated citizens as it is though greatest threat lies from them. It is important to cheer them up during their isolation phase through online touch and maintaining strict norms of lockdown for entire safety.

India is struggling hard without sufficient test kits as per to the requirement as many heathcare staff feels during this challenging hour of COVID-19 21 days cycle to avert third phase. But in this battle we should not forget our air force staff who are nation's greatest hope as billion dear citizens are left  helpless to defend themselves alone abroad against  the horror of COVID-19 attack with much more challenging situation with extreme death rates and infected cases.


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