Wednesday 8 April 2020

"When I Will Unite With My People As Locked Under Lockdown"?

Painful and frustrating but people are aware that there is no solution but to observe strict lockdown before getting infected by Corona virus as the world is  entering slowly to 1 lakh deaths.

Some people who went out of home have become suddenly cut off from their people, especially children and elderly people are witnessing greater difficulty in India as the decision was too fast. A couple with their children who had went out for a business trip is following a nightmare in their friend's residence without proper food.

In some places in India where people's life remains only on daily wages and salary have to abandon temporary homes by walking long distances to seek transport to their destinations.

This 21 days cycle of COVID-19 has all of a sudden has changed India's parameter of economic pace but has impacted heavily on normal lifestyle. First time in history entire world's Karmic phase has come down to a standstill. What heaven has decided for making abrupt intervention in global karmic cycle? 2012 dooms day prediction had shaken people worldwide but never so worse like COVID-19 in entire global history of pandemic chaos and casualty peak.


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