Tuesday 7 April 2020

If Hospitals And Medical Staff Are Getting Contaminated By Corona Virus Indians Should Value Lockdown!

It is not a long term holiday phase sanctioned by the Indian authority to leisure around but to secure oneself by social distancing to avoid exposure to corona virus contaminated air in our environment due to exposure of more COVID-19 victims during lockdown.

Figures of affected cases of COVID-19 are increasing in India also rapidly with lead of 4000 plus cases and near 1000 (+) cases each day. If figures escalate then people will loose hope of survival if this deadly virus contaminates even India'shealth centres.

Rather than any disease or fatal health situation COVID -19 will ease out more fatality rates. So stay home and do exercises, also eat well to fight against corona overpower. Please do keep your mouth shield even when you are talking with proper observance of distances. Take care and be safe!


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