Sunday 5 April 2020

Psychological Defense Against COVID-19 Trauma With Escalate In Graph

As COVID-19 cycle graph escalates to adversity jumping from 528 positive cases on 25th March to 2,902 on 4th March while edging figuring on 5th March with 3, 398 cases in India.

It’s painful to realize approaching invisible deadly COVID-19 attack since nobody wants to die when we know we are fighting each moment against death approach. It is frustrating that we cannot see but know through the affected ones nearby us COVID-19 overpower.

We cannot help as we don't know how to escape from it. Fear for our life looms when we see the victims of COVID-19 as it reflects the biggest threat ahead of us and impelling normal people to forget about humanitarian act to save the dying. This entire circumstance completely drains us out psychologically and we become mentally dead before death arrives.

It is a difficult phase but we can vindicate the situation with small initiative on each day like:

Take a deep breath with eyes closed to help calm our anxiety, enabling us to ideate how to overcome the situation. 

Ensure proper nap and forget about the bitter world outside. 

Body workout helps strengthen mind. 

Reduce pressure by visualizing what you want in life and how to give shape to it. 

Wherever you may be take a deep breath and meditate by playing to soothing music to relax out your stress.  

Release beautiful aroma during meditation as it works perfect therapy to elevate the mind from trouble and anxiety. 

Creative work could simply suck out your mind from lethargic experience of failing situation during COVID-19 battle. It is important to share more love and concern for the affected like the elderly sick people, pregnant, beggars, homeless and children to avert vulnerability during the lockdown phase. Jai  HInd to all fighters and saviors of the nation against COVID-19 battle!


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