Sunday 23 October 2016

Hands Behind The Making Of Brindabani Bastra of Assam

The fabric concept to illuminate on complicated spiritual mythological context as prescribed in Hindu scriptures in easy to understand methodology no doubt derived from Guru Srimanta Sankardeva through Brindabani Bastra but there are many hands to give dimension to this dynamic and unique piece of work in enduring manner.

Centuries plus, this 120 cubit long and 60 cubit wide hand-loom designed fabric piece with multi-colored silk artwork still endures to exist in good condition how? May be science power or then designer's power, quite complicated to certify.

Present evidences reveals that Srimanta Sankardeva is not the sole provider of this creative output though he remained to be as the innovator of this unique creation but many expert weavers' hands involved in it. The task was huge and the time was short due to which Sankardeva after getting financial sanction for  gigantic Brindabani Bastra project from King Koch Rajbongshi had ventured for proficient weaver in Barpeta or Tantikuchi district of Assam.

It was not only a gigantic project but even complicated as Sankardeva had to build visual impact in multi colored rare silk thread work, depicting mythological stories of lord Krishna's childhood or 'Krishna Leela' till Kamsa Bodh or annihilation of his evil uncle 'King Kamsa'.

Stories of Krishna in Indian mythology is powerfully dominant than any reincarnation of God 'Narayana.' Art is the best representation to inspire and boost human morals which Guru Sankardeva visualized many centuries ago before introduce of film concept in modern age. Revered Guru Sankardeva approached Gopal Tanti an expert visionary in hand-loom creation, availed in Tantikuchi (Present Barpeta district of Assam) to undertake this gigantic weaving project.

Gopal Tanti is also known as Sri Sri Mathura Das Burha Ata who before meeting Sankardeva was a follower of the great saint Chaitanyadev. Gopal Tanti was a virtuous, creative and music inclination personality. It was in due course of this project Gopal Tanti for the first time came in contact with the highly revered personalities of then Assam, Srimanta Sankardeva and Madhavdeva.

Even Gopal Tanti could not escape from Srimanta Sankardeva's infectious personality who later transformed himself to Neo-Vaishnavite faith of Gurujana and adhered strictly to his Vaishnavite principles. Mainly it was under the direction of Sri Sri Madhavdeva he was enlightened with divine philosophy of Guru Srimanta Sankardeva's. At the prime age of 81 years Tanti accompanied Madhavdeva at Sundaridiya Satra in 1493 to give dimension to Sankardeva's mission.  

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