Thursday 23 April 2020

Novel COVID-19 Has Made The Scenario More Noble By Bringing Men To Humble And Relief To Nature

Our mother earth has almost worn out due to toxic practice by the human race but COVID-19 entry has relieved it from extreme pollution and destruction to greenery with worldwide emphasis of longer duration lockdown. 

Luxury earlier was taken into head to extremity where people denied to take care of their own household and belongings, leaving caretakers to take care of it. Now with intense social distancing law emphasis people are even ready to take care of their maids and helper’s job. Running around the house to keep their errands clean to ward off germ to distract Corona Virus invitation, we are seeing that the high class group have been humbled by COVID-19 phase. Is it a way that God is trying to interpret about futuristic changes to welcome a different world, bringing greed under control.


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