Thursday 10 October 2019

Dry Rivers Of October Month Pose Threat To Proper Idol Immersion And To Ecosystem In Assam

Pandals are too many in all over Assam in Northeast to entertain people during four days grandeur Durga Puja festivity where due to it state’s capital city poses greatest threat to its eco system as the rivers of dry October month become shallow, making it difficult for idol immersion.

Idols are huge and if 400 plus pandals or mandap carries four to five clay idols then it would multiply in huge numbers, making state’s shallow rivers of dry October month difficult to swallow it quickly. Resulting people to wait for days to immerse their idols on time but what greater threat people do not realize is that the rivers that carries water for drinking purpose becomes contaminated due to emitted colors  from the idols apart from slowing down water current for normal reach to the people.


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