Friday 2 August 2019

Jorabat Heavy Duty Vehicles Are Jeopardizing Traffic And Safety Rules!

Jorabat highway traffic not well maintained due to growing risk of accidents as it is prone to heavy water log during rainy season and illegal parking on road by heavy duty vehicles leading to multiple deaths during overtake.

Generally it is very hard to tell whether today you will be lucky to pass through Jorabat road without hazard but for that never make the timing during late evening hours as it remains overly crowded. But water logging can entirely spoil your plan to reach your destination through Jorabat if you are on two wheelers or low base car or auto as accumulated running water from hills can rise to neck level and you won’t like to sink.

If you see standing heavy duty vehicles ensure your horns are on from far distance as an earlier warning to running or stall vehicles hidden behind it. Numbers of death are caused when such careful rules are not followed while moving behind line of parking trucks.

This NH-37 is a crucial road network to entire Northeast which is spread from Khanapara, Guwahati point to Jorabat so it is brought to light by public that placement of heavy vehicle on it is illegal as per to National Highway (Land and  Traffic) Act 2002 rule.

Student body of the state All Assam Student’s Union (AASU) had made a special warning to Kamrup Metro District authority to take action against illegal parking of truck on Jorabat road to avert growing accident risk factors and compel Jorabat traffic police to enforce the truck drivers to maintain law and arrange special parking slot for them without interfering with general vehicles.


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