Monday 3 June 2019

Mizoram Deputy Speaker Storms Media With Genrosity

Mizoram Deputy speaker and two time MLA Pu Larinawma while on his way to his Tuikum constituency was impelled to descend from his vehicle due to road blocked caused by an uprooted tree that surprised everyone when he had land his hand to saw off the tree logs to clear fast the traffic instead of being a witness of the situation.

The emergency hand from Pu Larinawma was estimated from his urgency to  complete his political job at his Tuikum constituency. Unexpectedly due to favor of luck and his proactive attitude had landed him into overnight popularity as media channel cannot help focusing on him for his generosity to support the villagers in their time of hardship to clear road block.

May be there was an  extreme emergency due to which Pu under the incumbent of the situation had went viral in social media with one photo upload showcasing his noble gesture irrespective of his high profile status. Unknownly or knowingly Pu Larinwama has set  an inspiring exemplification to his citizens by actively getting into road clearance.


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