Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Arunachal Pradesh Entrepreneur’s Drive In Economic Growth Fetches Prestigious National Recognition

It was a small start to make oneself self sufficient when the young lady Ms. Tana Sumpaaged made a career in farming and meat trading before owning her large farm cum training centre for breeding to involve many to become economically self sufficient for which she bagged the prestigious National Entrepreneurship Awards (NEA) from the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship on its third edition event.

To be in the top three slot for excellent contribution for entrepreneurship development at the national NEA event in New Delhi is a big challenge for the young Tana Sumpaaged of Arunachal Pradesh as she did not procure special skills or mindset to make such a breakthrough in higher competition level to get reckoned for being a driving force in state’s economy.

There were other thirty credible entrepreneurs of India where form Northeast the thirty five year old Tana Sumpaaged fetched  this prestigious title for her outstanding ability to become a key player in state’s economic growth by involving unemployed youths, female and housewives to derive their source of earning and to peak state’s farming growth.

This young entrepreneur of Arunachal who fetched as one of the three excellent contributors in entrepreneurship ecosystem builders of the nation today runs her own piggery and fishery farms to garner sources of income and involve many in such varied statistics to become self reliant. Minister of Commerce and Industry and Civil Aviation  Sri Suresh Prabhu pointing at the entrepreneurs’ role in economic growth of people that helps play as a key role in economic growth of the nation praised the winners for coming a long way in serving the nation with their exemplary welfare contribution to the society.

Be it small, medium or large the government is committed to support everyone in the venture of entrepreneurship as nation’s strength lies in its human resources on which nation’s major economy counts highlighted by the Minister of State MSDE , Shri Ananath Kumar Hegde.


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