Thursday 10 January 2019

Manipur Village Headman Reckoned By Minister For His Literary Act To Lead The Future Genre

Rare in  case where village headman seen playing with his literary art to give direction to the future genre to help them become efficient admin player of the region to which the Manipur Social Welfare and Cooperation Minister, Nemcha Kipgen honored his effort by taking an effort to unveil his books at Hengjang village of Leimakh. 

The book based on village Bye-law of Hengjang village where in addition the headman’s an Inspirational Quotation book was also released by the Manipur Welfare Minister Nemcha.

Revered the Hengjang village headman's extra effort to go in details for exact documentation of facts and his patience to script it all in his books efficiently during launch of the bye-law book by Nemcha.

According to the Manipur Welfare Minister it requires lots of efficiency and consistency to note down such challenging content which the Hengjang village headman had compiled with credible effort for perfect reference usage by the present genre. So that the upcoming genre can come up with an enhanced outlook on village administration through the usage of his knowledge from his books.



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