Thursday 29 September 2016

Tezpur University Joins IIT, Guwahati To Enter In Top Global List

Northeast has totally lapsed for decades in Academic sphere but situation is now fast changing as Assam one of its eight states has arched twice at the global top universities’ list.

It is steadily moving ahead where Tezpur University’s new emerge was least expected to join after IIT, Guwahati. India’s leading institutes which have made coveted position are IISc (201-250 rank) and IIT Bombay (351-400 ranks). Rest that are racing to cover the coveted slots in top universities’ list are like renowned Jadavpur University, University of Calcutta, Pilani, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Aligarh Muslim University and Delhi University.

Still India and Northeast need to perform academically strong to achieve and exceed 200 list of top universities with more ace in teaching technique, intensive research output and knowledge sharing that meet global standard.

To certify universities’ rank judgments are made from the reports produced by 13 calibrated performance indicators. Specific comprehensive and fair comparative assessment reports are provided by 13 calibrated performance indicators which are approved by university leaders, academics, students, industry and governments.  

Interestingly this year’s list had surprises to reveal with declaration of Oxford University among top 14 new entrants. It is first from UK University to emerge at top level in twelve years history. Five-time topper California Institute of Technology made it at second slot while Stanford University followed at third position. Assam has potentiality to deliver best academically and compete ahead the top contenders from India.

Technology Can Improve Agri Products Without Import In Northeast - Manipur

Dribbling and Drilling Power Tiller For Fast Plantation Process

North-eastern region is rich in natural resources but still it cannot meet its required food supplement and have to import it where Manipur is its first state to implement in large scale latest technology based equipments to enhance agro productivity.

Since Manipur is positioned at higher altitude, productivity of crops depend lot on manpower which alternately could be performed by cost effective light and micro size improved equipments. According to Manipur this innovative approach towards food cultivation can bring down 30% production cost involved in labour time, labour charges and other inputs with timeliness operation of advanced technology based equipments.

Varied essential horticultural crops like rice, black gram, maize, potato, corn, soyabean, etc could be grown and regulated through special devises and techniques to retain and improve productivity under all conditions. Circulation of major improved technology based devises like power tiller for orchard, plate planter equipped power tiller, manual turbo nozzles knapsack sprayer, 4 row rice transplanter and seeder, potato digger power tiller and weed removal machine in Manipur’s agro prone places will be made by the government’s agri department.

Seed dibbling and drilling performance will be multiple times enhanced with implementation of rotary dibbler machine (equipped with a rotating dibbling head and penetrating jaws, cell style wooden roller and a handle) including 2 kg weight seed hopper with hand wheel hoe attached seed box and steep gradient to sow on steep height. The farmers of Manipur have found these devises effective for easier farming cutting the cost of twenty seven people.

Instead of tilling and clearing the soil manually the drilling machine will easily cover greater area to help sow seeds like bengal gram, pigeon pea, mustard, maize, soybean, sorghum etc. This innovative agri approach of Manipur government is ensures to inspire other sates of Northeast.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Manipur ‘Handloom and Handicraft’ - ‘Goldmine Culture’ For Enduring Economic Benefit

Traditional Manipuri Handloom Art

Traditionally cultivated handloom and handicraft art was historically traced to be the main source of income for every household of Northeast which division today persist to remain as the highest revenue provider to the state due to which the Manipur government has decided to make its product usage mandatory.

In a new turn to achieve higher economic growth, Manipur Commerce and Industry Minister Govindas Konthoujam recently featured his plan to give new edge to the handloom and handicraft sector by promoting and emphasizing its practice in all the districts of its state.

In his recent plan to open a common facility centre, Minister Govindas had appealed for public’s assistance to boost state’s economy on which its future depends. It is indeed a goldmine or cultured goldmine where from natural resources products are prepared to meet everyday necessity without polluting the environment, the handloom and handicraft tradition. To familiarize this cultured goldmine which has garnered much demand today and has become a purpose to remain financially sound, the government will make handloom and handicraft products as major highlight of all institutions, private to government offices from October, 2016.

Panthoibi Manipur Emporium, Manipur Handloom and Handicraft Corporation, New Delhi and Panthoibi Manipur Emporium Kolkata are recognized to be the key players in leveraging handloom and handicraft products export to worth Rs 15 lakh annually for the state. To cream out more monetary benefit annually, Minister Govindas plans to give hype to this traditional practice by increasing handloom export output within two to three months time frame.

Truly organic lifestyle followed by people earlier by making livelihood on handloom and handicraft practice which products today out of remote area have even become prime requirement for elite class globally. In perspective to these factors Minister Govindas requested the artisans to contribute in giving a new edge to these practices by innovating designs with their imaginative ideas that meets international requirement for enhancing its export. 

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Manipur’s Teachers The Nation And State’s Pride


No doubt Manipur education field is strong and recognized for its high intellectual population but for the first time in history in one single year series of teachers have won prestigious state and national level awards, 2016.

Never had happened ever before that two principals from one state of Northeast felicitated with National Awards. India has brought two dedicated Manipuri teacher’s in national limelight by conferring upon them prestigious National Awards.

At Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi, India’s president Pranab Mukherjeer marked with grandeur ‘Teacher’s Day’ by conferring prestigious National Award titles to two dedicated Manipuri teachers along with rest from India.

Sinam Indirani Devi, Principal of Churachand Higher Secondary School, Imphal and Sapam Binodkumari Devi, Principal of Athokpam Junior Higher Secondary school Thoubal district, Manipur were conferred with the National Awards each. This year 2016 where nation celebrated ‘Teacher’s Day’ with jubilation even Manipur state observed with much pompous by conferring prestigious titles  to ten Principals, to Principal in charge,  lecturers including additional five female teachers.

The function was organized by the State Education department at the MFDC auditorium in Imphal where Manipur Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh, Education Minister Dr Kh Ratankumar including Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam felicitated the teachers.

Necessity for qualified teachers is higher at government and private level where Chief Minister Ibobi vowed to develop the state’s education and health sectors. The best way to regulate powerful effective education system in the entire state according to Chief Minister Ibobi is by analyzing on failures to help improve student’s performance. 

Dams, Water Outlet And Deforestation Negligence Leaving Mass Trail Of Disaster In Assam

No doubt there is 62 percent increase in pre-monsoon rainfall but if dams, water outlet and deforestation sincerely taken care of there would not have been mass trail of flood devastation.


Funds and relief works are in full swing but why this repeated growing torture, have we become less sensible to the cries of deforestation? If contractors had been more sincere to the welfare of the society instead of warming their pockets this havoc today flood has created would have been much minimized.


We cannot stop nature from raining but we can stop unnecessary land cutting for infrastructure. If we realize our misery today due to rain will be worse if we are not systematically working to plan a healthy city and village. Today's vulnerability of people will tempt them to become wild with rage for there is limit for growing issue of landslide, flood, water logging, drainage blockade. It's time Science advancement and Investors should have an answer.


Saturday 24 September 2016

Lichtanski’s Outstanding Polish Jazz Affair With Shillong And Assam, Northeast

First but not the last music affair of Wojciech Lichtanski’s band with Northeast who won strong applause from music lovers of Shillong where ICCR’s International Jazz Festival first took off before getting into the nerve of Assam.

This 4 Member Jazz Group was sent by Poland to enrich its culture with India at the 6th edition International Jazz festival, at Delhi, 2016. Already ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) has conducted five times the International Jazz Festival in Delhi, India but on the sixth occasion the Northeast region is elated to welcome this Polish jazz group.

Lichtanski Sound Lab was founded by Wojciech Lichtanski the band’s saxophonist who is an alumni and student of the Academy of Music in Katowice and Krakow. But a man of his own who at very young age has become an inspiration to the world jazz music community. The soft,  lean and simpleton outlook of Lichtanski can be deceptive as he is a genius who has won prestigious title “Jazz Angel” at the 15th Lotos Jazz Festival Bielska Zadymka Jazzowa. Revered as the most innovative jazz artist of Poland who has many jury awards to his credit for his original composition, Lichtanski’s “Live” album is one of it that is quite popular also.

The latest innovative and elevating jazz music creation titled as Lichtanski Sound Lab, gives you an insight of Polish, American, Salvia and Scandinavian mix flavor that sends a soothing and vibrant vibes in the air. This title track album delivers new creations like ‘In Progress’, ‘Wczoraj Rano,’ ‘Day Dream,’ ‘Peace of Mind’, ‘Second Best’ and ‘Cristin Came.’ The music of this title track album is contributed by Lichtanski’s team comprised of Michal Szkil, Michal Kapczuk and Szymon.

Jazz though an adopted music but it is a pivotal part of Polish culture as it has intense contribution for artistic independence out of communal clutch. In Poland’s march for artistic independence during 20th century, jazz was in the avant-garde process but it could potentiality link to all genres of art. It was the revered team of ‘The Founding Fathers of Polish Jazz’ which comprised of Jerzy Dudus Matuszkiewicz (leader, saxophones, and clarinet), Krzysztof Komeda (piano) and Andrzej Trzaskowski (piano) who dominated the scenario for independent art revolution.

But history is history, at present Polish jazz creation is considered to be the best in the world. Some of the best signature jazz musicians of contemporary time are Tomasz StaÅ„ko, John Coltrane and Wlodzimierz Pawlik out of bundle of world’s finest Polish jazz artists. The electric, acoustic and virtuoso piano music of Polish jazz with touch of electrifying, fiery and firm chording flavor gives an edge to contemporary style that has become strong source of inspiration to present music genre.

Hope someday they would reinvent jazz music with Northeast music flavor but then cultural relation has to be intense and with frequent visit they can absorb it into their Polish jazz creation.
Co Editor - Anima Borah
Illustration - Randip

Friday 23 September 2016

Germplasm Identification Is An Improved Technique To Boost Agri Tea Productivity

At the backdrop of Agricultural Research Services, senior key scientist of the USDA/ARS named as Borthakur from Assam ascertains that improved agri technique germplasm identification can provide positive results in varied tea plant breeding.

Presently, Borthakur will implement his experience working in US to handle Indian agri projects related to germplasm identification. Perfect determination and rationalization of the germplasm collection helps detect pest tolerance, drought, fungal diseases, quality and cold tolerance. At numerous centers under Tea Research Association such germplasm technique will be utilized by Borthakur.

Currently there are about 3,065 germplasm which are maintained at an institution under Tea Research Association. Based on the genuine information of the germplasm collection even hybridisation and selection could be initiated as per to Borthakur’s perception.

Imphal, Manipur Aims To Boost Medical Tourism By Driving Cross Border Patients

In respect to the  latest set up of open heart technology based medical infrastructure at Sky Hospital and Research Centre, RIMS Road, Imphal, the Manipur state government aims to make it as Medical tourism destination with enhanced travel communication network in Northeast and cross border.

On the launch of State's first open heart surgery at Sky Hospital and Research Centre, Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh emphasized that by extension of quality open heart surgery facility in Manipur could drive potential patients from Northeast states including border nation Myanmar.

According to Ibobi Singh that this noble health mission can be possible only with Government and private sectors’ joint effort to establish health and education sectors.

Presently Manipur Government’s top priority is to improve health and education sectors. The Sky Hospital & Research Centre constituted departments of major complicated treatment divisions like the Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery (CTVS) Operation Theatre Complex.

Even patients from Assam, Mizoram and Nagaland of Northeastern states which lies at the close proximity of Manipur can easily access quality open heart surgery, closed heart surgery and by-pass surgery at its Sky hospital. The Sky Hospital meets world class standard facilities and technology for edge heart treatment.

Pre-1965 Rail Link To Resume To Boost India’s Cross-Border Economy

Recollecting disruptive phase of India and Bangladesh tie due to Indo-Pak war the governments of the two nations are planning to resume pre-1965 rail network to boost cross border economy according to Bangladesh Industry, Minister Amir Hossain Amu.

At North East Connectivity Summit at Tripura, Agartala, the minister stated economy between the both nations could be boosted if communication to BCIM region is improved that includes China, Bangladesh, India and Myanmar. This BCIM region is considered to be one of the richest sources to accumulate natural resources in the world.

Expectation of economic bloom through rail trade link is higher according to the minister as within the span of seven years it has been witnessed that connectivity, power, security, trade and commerce have far improved between the two neighboring states. 

In matters of trade infrastructure, customs facilities, land ports development and immigration between India and Bangladesh have improved a lot. This pre-1965 rail network development initiative will surely enhance the existent trade and commerce relation between the two nations according to Bangladesh Industry, Minister. 

Manipur To Accomplish of Peaceful VVPAT Polling System By 2018

Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) a peaceful polling system will be introduced by
Manipur government in the upcoming 2018 polls. Following into the footsteps of its neighboring state Assam, this VVPAT system will be installed in Manipur’s selective Assembly constituencies.

For legislative Assembly elections by 2018, full fledged action will start off very soon to ensure transparency and smooth process of polling in liberal and fair manner according to the Chief Election Commissioner Nasim Zaidi.

Under the Commission’s direction the State Government must encourage participatory elections and try to win electorate’s confidence so that their franchise is exercised without threat. Position of criminal and anti-social element free scenario for safer polling will be exercised by the government of Manipur. Already Zaidi-led ECI team has commenced series of meet with various political parties and the stakeholders to layout plan to commence single phase election for easier polling process. 

Nagaland Governor Focus To Ease Community Tension Outside The State

Nagaland Governor P B Acharya, in the urge for safety and greater ties of its communities outside the state, initiated ‘emotional integration’ program in association with a five-member committee.

Outside the state, the Nagaland communities confront lot of tension derived out racial and isolation issues due to which lesser connectivity with rest Indian communities persist to dominate.

In order to help build healthier relation and stronger connectivity with the people from rest of India, representatives from Alvaa Institutions, Manipal University, Mangalore University and Nitte University have teamed up in this mission. To create stronger connectivity and understanding between people from rest of India and Northeastern states to overcome common issues relating to psychological and academic aspects. 

It is just not the case with Nagaland but all northeastern state’s communities are affected who had their bitter challenges to achieve their goals outside Northeast. Under the taboo of Northeast insurgency infestation, people from here unable ease relationship with rest of India.

Kohima After Approve For Smart City Project Prepares For Separate High Court For Safer City

In a latest proposition for Smart City project by Kohima capital city of Nagaland, received green signal from the Centre and now heading for a separate High Court to promote it as a safer state with improved law and order imposition for faster trial outcome.

In perception to increasing outlaw activities, Nagaland has come to a conclusion that instead of waiting for order from High Court a separate similar version in the state itself could ease out faster trial process. Currently at the Guwahati High Court Nagaland has a Bench

It is in approval of the Union Government the Nagaland government has made this decision for separate High Court. Moreover Nagaland is developing and so the need for stronger security measurement is pivotal.

Thursday 22 September 2016

ICCR’s International Jazz Festival Assam, Northeast Ignited With Lichtanski’s Polish Flavor

Wojciech Lichtanski (Alto Sax Player) second from right, Michat Szkil (pianist) second from left, Szymon Madej (Drum Player) third from right and Assam Music Director Raman Baruah right end at International Jazz Festival in Assam.

ICCR’s (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) first International Jazz Festival in Assam finally took off with an electrifying manner, leaving audience spellbound with polish innovative flavor music at the venue of Sri Sri Madhvadeva International Auditorium on 22nd September, Thursday evening at Guwahati capital city.

On this nostalgic beautiful evening prominent personalities like Sri Sankar Prasad Kakoti Bora, Regional Director, ICCR including Commissioner of Cultural  Affairs, Pritam Saikia and Music Director Raman Baruah graced the International Jazz Festival by igniting the lamps. Sri Sankar Prasad, Regional Director, ICCR highlighted, "Such musical festivals are created by ICCR to encourage talented youngsters, pursuing studies to help get global exposure and insight on values of various communities' culture. Thus help broaden relationship with global nations and bring Assam to global notice."

Sri Sankar Prasad Kakoti Bora, Regional Director, ICCR addressing at
International Jazz Festival in Assam

It was a powerful musical night that kept the audience glued to their seats as Polish flavor jazz music sipped deep into the minds of the people. The entire Auditorium of Srimanta Sankardeva Kalakshetra, Panjabari in Guwahati was packed with audience derived from film and art based professional background.

At the end of the show people were able to have an interactive session with the renowned jazz team of artists from Poland which was comprised of the founder of the band named Wojciech Lichtanski (Alto Sax Player), Michat Szkil (pianist), Alan Wykpisz (double Bass Player) and Szymon Madej (Drum Player).

Assam presented various international festivals which were staged by ICCR under Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Srimanta Sankardeva Kalakshetra Society but this is for the time International Jazz Festival was conducted.

"Before hand many a times international events have been conducted where participants from Brazil, Russia, Malaysia etc came to Assam to exchange their culture by positioning their various theme based concerts," added Sri Sankar Prasad, Regional Director, ICCR emphasizing on growing global attention of Assam through such frequent cultural programs.

Talented students are aided by ICCR to exchange state's culture on global platform so that they can understand global perspective and share their experience with the Assamese community. Help evolve Assamese art and culture, inspire people globally.

Lichtanski Sound Lab album comprised of nostalgic jazz music which is quite inspirational for ardent western music lovers. It’s comprised of escalating music like ‘In Progress’, Wczoraj Rano, Day Dream, Peace of Mind, Second Best and Cristin Came which music was landed by Lichtanski, Michal, Michal Kapczuk and Szymon.

These highly elevating but simple artists of Poland have driven entire audience’s attention. Many from the audience who had first came to attend the ICCR festival stated, “I thought let me see what Jazz music is about. But the entire moment of this musical evening was very intriguing as the flavor of Saxophone and Piano had something different to deliver. Usually accustomed to Indian traditional music but this Polish Jazz I favorably found to be very interesting and quite refreshing.”

Lichtanski who after performing at Shillong and Guwahati in Northeast zone of India added, “the entire experience was enthralling. Except of slight rain disruption in Shillong, the crowd was really good. Looking forward to play in Northeast again as yet we have not yet explored much of this region.”

Szymon stated, “We have visited India more than once but northeast is our first venture and it was really a beautiful experience. Yet to know about Assamese music insight.” The Indian and the state government have taken extra care of this Polish jazz troupe by deploying extensive military measures. On the whole this one and half hour musical night which started at 6 p.m. came to a beautiful ending as the special invitees took pleasure of each moment. There was no room for boredom Lichtanski’s jazz performance on this grand eve of International Jazz Festival in Assam.

Northeastindiacapsule - special coverage
Co editor - Anima Bora

ICCR’s International Jazz Festival Assam, Northeast Ignited With Lichtanski’s Polish Flavor

Wojciech Lichtanski (Alto Sax Player) second from right, Michat Szkil (pianist) second from left,Szymon Madej (Drum Player) third from right and Assam Music Director 
Raman Baruah right end at International Jazz Festival in Assam.

ICCR’s (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) first International Jazz Festival in Assam finally took off with an electrifying manner, leaving audience spellbound with polish innovative flavor music at the venue of Sri Sri Madhvadeva International Auditorium on 22nd September, Thursday evening at Guwahati capital city.

On this nostalgic beautiful evening prominent personalities like Sri Sankar Prasad Kakoti Bora, Regional Director, ICCR including Commissioner of Cultural  Affairs, Pritam Saikia and Music Director Raman Baruah graced the International Jazz Festival by igniting the lamps. Sri Sankar Prasad, Regional Director, ICCR highlighted, "Such musical festivals are created by ICCR to encourage talented youngsters, pursuing studies to help get global exposure and insight on values of various communities' culture. Thus help broaden relationship with global nations and bring Assam to global notice."

Sri Sankar Prasad Kakoti Bora, Regional Director, ICCR addressing at International Jazz Festival in Assam

It was a powerful musical night that kept the audience glued to their seats as Polish flavor jazz music sipped deep into the minds of the people. The entire Auditorium of Srimanta Sankardeva Kalakshetra, Panjabari in Guwahati was packed with audience derived from film and art based professional background.

At the end of the show people were able to have an interactive session with the renowned jazz team of artists from Poland which was comprised of the founder of the band named Wojciech Lichtanski (Alto Sax Player), Michat Szkil (pianist), Alan Wykpisz (double Bass Player) and Szymon Madej (Drum Player).

Assam presented various international festivals which were staged by ICCR under Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Srimanta Sankardeva Kalakshetra Society but this is for the time International Jazz Festival was conducted.

"Before hand many a times international events have been conducted where participants from Brazil, Russia, Malaysia etc came to Assam to exchange their culture by positioning their various theme based concerts," added Sri Sankar Prasad, Regional Director, ICCR emphasizing on growing global attention of Assam through such frequent cultural programs.

Talented students are aided by ICCR to exchange state's culture on global platform so that they can understand global perspective and share their experience with the Assamese community. Help evolve Assamese art and culture, inspire people globally.

Lichtanski Sound Lab album comprised of nostalgic jazz music which is quite inspirational for ardent western music lovers. It’s comprised of escalating music like ‘In Progress’, Wczoraj Rano, Day Dream, Peace of Mind, Second Best and Cristin Came which music was landed by Lichtanski, Michal, Michal Kapczuk and Szymon.

These highly elevating but simple artists of Poland have driven entire audience’s attention. Many from the audience who had first came to attend the ICCR festival stated, “I thought let me see what Jazz music is about. But the entire moment of this musical evening was very intriguing as the flavor of Saxophone and Piano had something different to deliver. Usually accustomed to Indian traditional music but this Polish Jazz I favorably found to be very interesting and quite refreshing.”

Lichtanski who after performing at Shillong and Guwahati in Northeast zone of India added, “the entire experience was enthralling. Except of slight rain disruption in Shillong, the crowd was really good. Looking forward to play in Northeast again as yet we have not yet explored much of this region.”

Szymon stated, “We have visited India more than once but northeast is our first venture and it was really a beautiful experience. Yet to know about Assamese music insight.” The Indian and the state government have taken extra care of this Polish jazz troupe by deploying extensive military measures. On the whole this one and half hour musical night which started at 6 p.m. came to a beautiful ending as the special invitees took pleasure of each moment. There was no room for boredom Lichtanski’s jazz performance on this grand eve of International Jazz Festival in Assam.

Northeastindiacapsule - special coverage
Co editor - Anima Bora

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Tea Park Favorable In Assam As More Than 45 Lakh Driven To Plantation

Assam is a resort for tea planters to outgrow business in it for better productivity where position of Tea Park with attached warehouse near airport will help boost in promo of tea industry.

Development of Assam tea industry could be well initiated with installation of Tea Park to help drive in desired global buyers and packagers to the state.  According to State Industries and Commerce Minister Chandra Mohan Patowary this mission could be successfully accomplished only if a Self-help group is organized by the joint effort of small tea growers.

There are enough tea producers in Assam who can improve better quality tea without the fall of productivity figures if they are boosted by right foreign investors financially. It will drastically boost in Assam tea industry’s development process according to Minister Patowary.

At the recently held North East Tea Conclave and Expo by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) the Minister Patowary affirmed more employments for rural group youths if 79,000 plus tea growers engaged in SHG. It will definitely improve their earning with set up of subsidy based small or medium factories.

The Assam government assures to simplify the process of tea factory installation through Tea Board with subsidy provision to tea producers involved in SHG activities according to Minister Patowary.

To retain as top competitor for quality tea production in the global market there lays hard challenges for the producers due to Climatic change pressure. But Assam has the potentiality to sustain and compete better under all climatic challenges and retain as giant player in global market.   

Shillong’s ‘Dossers Urge’ No More Senseless But Sensible Band

Being First Music Band From Northeast To Sign With New York’s Top Music Studio

Youth of Shillong are highly spirited and are rocking with bag of prestigious international music award and contract from Converse Road To Rubber Tracks talent hunt of America by its ‘Dossers Urge’ band.

This punk inspired band Dossers Urge was first introduced in 2011 by brothers David Kom (Guitars/Vocals) and Gideon Kom (Drums/Vocals) with later entry of Romeo Kom (Bass/Vocals) the youngest brother.

This three in one brothers band initially tried to make popular entry in Northeast by playing at varied platforms before winning international fame. According to David who titled the band name added with air of fickle that there is hardly any serious stuff hidden and presume as world’s most senseless band title.

The Brothers of military background were often screwed up for their late stay up and late wake up habits and due to which the title ‘Dossera’ came to David’s mind which indicates lazy persona. In a way David is trying to tell that the title of the band ‘Dossers Urge’ inspired from his persona.

But this band proven to be of hard stuff as at such young age they competed five bands from music inclined cities and win accolade from talent hunt team of Converse Road To Rubber Tracks, sponsored  by the American iconic footwear brand Converse a Subsidiary of Nike Inc. to leverage this annual Global initiative campaign.

To boost talented young bands of world to bag music contract at top-level recording studio without expenditure during the time phase and relish global exposure. In addition the organization ensures the winner of this prestigious title have close interactive recording sessions with music Industry’s top musicians and producers.

Apart from international churn up, this lazy team of ‘Dossers Urge’ will be completing live video footage at the upcoming series of 2016 NH7 Weekender Festivals in Pune and Shillong. 

Threat To World's Oldest Tea Research Centre Could Adversely Impact On Assam Tea Industry Development

Possible collapse of the world's oldest tea research centre based at Jorhat, Assam the Tocklai Tea Research Institute (TTRI) is estimated due to constrain in release of funds which may shake the pillars of state’s tea industry on which it depends a lot.

Scientific and research advancement process for Assam tea industry development have far degraded due to constrain in fund for 2016-17 plan. Proposed amount of Rs 25 crore has not arrived yet where only Rs 6 crore has been sanctioned. Procure of quality scientists and staff for research and development to enhance productivity rate in Assam has taken a back seat temporarily as to retain them has become difficult.

Currently crucial scientific projects related to tea development process like new variety tea cloning, installation of new mechanism, curtail of pesticide usage, increase usage of organic manure and withstand climatic changes are badly hampered.

The pride of Assam, the TTRI, which was first established in 1911 to introduce as world’s first tea research centre, requires presently around Rs 28 corer to combat financial situation for survival. For employee retention only TTRI requires about Rs 1.5 corer where with slash of 76% this year has threatened its survival chances for longer run.

According to Tea Research Association (TRA) secretary, Joydeep Phukan the funds cut was observed when foreign tea magnets like Kenya and Sri Lanka have pressured for escalation in funds to boost its tea research and development sectors.

Hope still retains on the Centre for positive response and take the matter seriously, release very soon the funds to boost TTRI’s quality research and development process to improve the strategy of tea production at larger scale according to State Industries and Commerce Minister Chandra Mohan Patowary. Measures to abstain hamper in tea and research work for the sake of tea industry development, the Indian authority will look into the matter to retain and boost the world's first research tea institute in Jorhat district of Assam the Tocklai Tea Research Institute (TTRI) according to Patowary.