Tuesday 27 September 2016

Dams, Water Outlet And Deforestation Negligence Leaving Mass Trail Of Disaster In Assam

No doubt there is 62 percent increase in pre-monsoon rainfall but if dams, water outlet and deforestation sincerely taken care of there would not have been mass trail of flood devastation.


Funds and relief works are in full swing but why this repeated growing torture, have we become less sensible to the cries of deforestation? If contractors had been more sincere to the welfare of the society instead of warming their pockets this havoc today flood has created would have been much minimized.


We cannot stop nature from raining but we can stop unnecessary land cutting for infrastructure. If we realize our misery today due to rain will be worse if we are not systematically working to plan a healthy city and village. Today's vulnerability of people will tempt them to become wild with rage for there is limit for growing issue of landslide, flood, water logging, drainage blockade. It's time Science advancement and Investors should have an answer.


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