Thursday 29 September 2016

Technology Can Improve Agri Products Without Import In Northeast - Manipur

Dribbling and Drilling Power Tiller For Fast Plantation Process

North-eastern region is rich in natural resources but still it cannot meet its required food supplement and have to import it where Manipur is its first state to implement in large scale latest technology based equipments to enhance agro productivity.

Since Manipur is positioned at higher altitude, productivity of crops depend lot on manpower which alternately could be performed by cost effective light and micro size improved equipments. According to Manipur this innovative approach towards food cultivation can bring down 30% production cost involved in labour time, labour charges and other inputs with timeliness operation of advanced technology based equipments.

Varied essential horticultural crops like rice, black gram, maize, potato, corn, soyabean, etc could be grown and regulated through special devises and techniques to retain and improve productivity under all conditions. Circulation of major improved technology based devises like power tiller for orchard, plate planter equipped power tiller, manual turbo nozzles knapsack sprayer, 4 row rice transplanter and seeder, potato digger power tiller and weed removal machine in Manipur’s agro prone places will be made by the government’s agri department.

Seed dibbling and drilling performance will be multiple times enhanced with implementation of rotary dibbler machine (equipped with a rotating dibbling head and penetrating jaws, cell style wooden roller and a handle) including 2 kg weight seed hopper with hand wheel hoe attached seed box and steep gradient to sow on steep height. The farmers of Manipur have found these devises effective for easier farming cutting the cost of twenty seven people.

Instead of tilling and clearing the soil manually the drilling machine will easily cover greater area to help sow seeds like bengal gram, pigeon pea, mustard, maize, soybean, sorghum etc. This innovative agri approach of Manipur government is ensures to inspire other sates of Northeast.

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