Wednesday 21 September 2016

Threat To World's Oldest Tea Research Centre Could Adversely Impact On Assam Tea Industry Development

Possible collapse of the world's oldest tea research centre based at Jorhat, Assam the Tocklai Tea Research Institute (TTRI) is estimated due to constrain in release of funds which may shake the pillars of state’s tea industry on which it depends a lot.

Scientific and research advancement process for Assam tea industry development have far degraded due to constrain in fund for 2016-17 plan. Proposed amount of Rs 25 crore has not arrived yet where only Rs 6 crore has been sanctioned. Procure of quality scientists and staff for research and development to enhance productivity rate in Assam has taken a back seat temporarily as to retain them has become difficult.

Currently crucial scientific projects related to tea development process like new variety tea cloning, installation of new mechanism, curtail of pesticide usage, increase usage of organic manure and withstand climatic changes are badly hampered.

The pride of Assam, the TTRI, which was first established in 1911 to introduce as world’s first tea research centre, requires presently around Rs 28 corer to combat financial situation for survival. For employee retention only TTRI requires about Rs 1.5 corer where with slash of 76% this year has threatened its survival chances for longer run.

According to Tea Research Association (TRA) secretary, Joydeep Phukan the funds cut was observed when foreign tea magnets like Kenya and Sri Lanka have pressured for escalation in funds to boost its tea research and development sectors.

Hope still retains on the Centre for positive response and take the matter seriously, release very soon the funds to boost TTRI’s quality research and development process to improve the strategy of tea production at larger scale according to State Industries and Commerce Minister Chandra Mohan Patowary. Measures to abstain hamper in tea and research work for the sake of tea industry development, the Indian authority will look into the matter to retain and boost the world's first research tea institute in Jorhat district of Assam the Tocklai Tea Research Institute (TTRI) according to Patowary.  

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