Friday 23 September 2016

Nagaland Governor Focus To Ease Community Tension Outside The State

Nagaland Governor P B Acharya, in the urge for safety and greater ties of its communities outside the state, initiated ‘emotional integration’ program in association with a five-member committee.

Outside the state, the Nagaland communities confront lot of tension derived out racial and isolation issues due to which lesser connectivity with rest Indian communities persist to dominate.

In order to help build healthier relation and stronger connectivity with the people from rest of India, representatives from Alvaa Institutions, Manipal University, Mangalore University and Nitte University have teamed up in this mission. To create stronger connectivity and understanding between people from rest of India and Northeastern states to overcome common issues relating to psychological and academic aspects. 

It is just not the case with Nagaland but all northeastern state’s communities are affected who had their bitter challenges to achieve their goals outside Northeast. Under the taboo of Northeast insurgency infestation, people from here unable ease relationship with rest of India.

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