Tuesday 18 July 2017

Your ‘Building Block’ Gene Is The Saviour At Times Of Fatal Injury And Disease - Dr. Bikash Rai Das On Stem Cell Therapy

It is in your gene to create ‘building blocks’ of your body to protect yourself and your family from any deadly disease plus unrecoverable injury if treatment processed through the latest innovative medical technology known as stem cell therapy asserts Dr. Bikash Rai Das.

Stem cell therapy goes beyond incurable limits to heal from fatal injuries where a patient has less percentage to fight against time to buy back extended life. But even this advanced medical treatment also has a disadvantage as it is limited to genetic derived stem cells.

Else existent cells in the body will attack the foreign body transfused or transplanted stem cells in the damaged tissue area since it recognizes only genetically derived cells like parental cells. Region wise there is strict regulation on stem cell treatment as in certain cases where cells are collected from embryo is not favored by authority as it relates killing an unborn. Sometimes doctors fail to maintain the courses after the treatment of the patient and even analytical fault in genetic history of the cells before collecting the samples also lands the hospital and processing as legally invalid. But generally such fatal errors are not frequently repeated though initially multiple cases have occurred. Many a nations are still implementing this renewing tissues technique.

A patient before processing stem cells therapy should judge whether a hospital has its own lab or trusted foreign lab from where cells are derived. Dr. Bikash Rai Das mentioned, “Duration after the arrival of stem cells the patient is informed prior one day. So that doctors can inject within the same day. Stems before the arrival are packed in 200 Celsius in a refrigerated container and brought down to normal temperature before injection into the damaged tissue for the natural healing process of the affected area.”

Most common way to harness stem cell is through the patient’s own somatic cells collected from the bone marrow blood and even umbilical cord cells if preserved by his parents in the blood bank. The generation before the introduce of stem cell therapy were not  logged in with the idea of umbilical cord cell preservation in the bank for free as now availed by law and so limited from this treatment. Even a parent can claim back the sample of their stem cell if desired and the bank authority is bound to return them under legal direction.

Wonderful process of this treatment is that the cells derived from the stem cells have the potency to detect the cells of the affected tissues of the body and integrate with similar cells to replenish the damaged parts. The cells of the damaged areas like burnt, injury or fatal disease prone poor resistant cell are detected minimal in numbers due to the death of the multiple cells. Now to replenish the area with good numbers of friendly cells that are not attacked by the existent cells of the body, scientists after research were successful to track the supply bank for stem cells in the genes of the human body.

Stem cell is nothing but Agro like grafting technique to attach collected branches from varied types of similar species of plant - on to the slit portion of tree branches to relish different fruits and vegees. In Maharashtra  a farmer made a historic attempt to supply 50 types of mangoes from one mango tree with grafting technique. Now if we observe as scientists proclaim even stems cells derived from Bone Marrow and Umbilical Cord have the ability to become friendly with all types of cells in the body and enhance the area for greater performance. Say suppose in one body with genetically derived harnessed stem cells have the capacity to grow the damaged kidney, liver, eye, heart and other in a renew format. In addition also revive back the longevity chances in a person.

“In a non-toxic manner, stem cells can replicate and proliferate for renewal or engraftment process on to the low oxygen level damaged tissues as well as to the desired tissues for varied healing purposes,” highlighted Dr. Bikash Rai Das

According to the doctor GNRC hospital has tied up with India’s most trusted stem cell laboratory in India known as Ree Lab which has it research centre in Mumbai where the genetically derived stem cell sample is tested for any disease and quality before harnessing the cells in multiple.  Dr. Bikash Rai Das on GNRC stem cell processing mentioned, “Even Guwahati based Ree Lab professionals who are specialised in diagnosing healthy stem cells are also an integral part of the opt team in GNRC hospital for initial drug processing before finally injecting the harnessed cell sample into the patient’s body.”

GNRC special neuro care center of Assam had conducted the first case of stem cell therapy on a debilitating heart condition or chronic heart failure (chronic poorly compensated heart failure) patient of sixty years. This patient from Silchar district had rare percentage of survival. But after undergoing the prescribed courses of autologous stem cells infusion, the patient can now easily function without respiratory problem,” added Dr. Bikash Rai Das.

A child bearing neuro disorder was able to pursue his studies in school like normal children after completing the courses of stem cell therapy according to the Dr. Bikash Rai Das. Like Appollo hospital which derive its lab processed stem cell samples from US based ‘Stem Cyte’ and has installed its own research development unit in Hyderabad similarly even GNRC is making plans in association Ree Labs, Mumbai here in Guwahati.

“In 21st century stem cells therapy which is beginning in a slow pace is to bring a revolution in the field of medicine and change way of treatment process for various health issues with definite hope for no hope cases especially,” added futuristically on the progress of this medical practice Dr. Bikash Rai Das.

NEIC Analytic Report On Dr. Bikash Rai Das Research : Sumi

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