Thursday 22 September 2016

ICCR’s International Jazz Festival Assam, Northeast Ignited With Lichtanski’s Polish Flavor

Wojciech Lichtanski (Alto Sax Player) second from right, Michat Szkil (pianist) second from left, Szymon Madej (Drum Player) third from right and Assam Music Director Raman Baruah right end at International Jazz Festival in Assam.

ICCR’s (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) first International Jazz Festival in Assam finally took off with an electrifying manner, leaving audience spellbound with polish innovative flavor music at the venue of Sri Sri Madhvadeva International Auditorium on 22nd September, Thursday evening at Guwahati capital city.

On this nostalgic beautiful evening prominent personalities like Sri Sankar Prasad Kakoti Bora, Regional Director, ICCR including Commissioner of Cultural  Affairs, Pritam Saikia and Music Director Raman Baruah graced the International Jazz Festival by igniting the lamps. Sri Sankar Prasad, Regional Director, ICCR highlighted, "Such musical festivals are created by ICCR to encourage talented youngsters, pursuing studies to help get global exposure and insight on values of various communities' culture. Thus help broaden relationship with global nations and bring Assam to global notice."

Sri Sankar Prasad Kakoti Bora, Regional Director, ICCR addressing at
International Jazz Festival in Assam

It was a powerful musical night that kept the audience glued to their seats as Polish flavor jazz music sipped deep into the minds of the people. The entire Auditorium of Srimanta Sankardeva Kalakshetra, Panjabari in Guwahati was packed with audience derived from film and art based professional background.

At the end of the show people were able to have an interactive session with the renowned jazz team of artists from Poland which was comprised of the founder of the band named Wojciech Lichtanski (Alto Sax Player), Michat Szkil (pianist), Alan Wykpisz (double Bass Player) and Szymon Madej (Drum Player).

Assam presented various international festivals which were staged by ICCR under Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India in collaboration with Srimanta Sankardeva Kalakshetra Society but this is for the time International Jazz Festival was conducted.

"Before hand many a times international events have been conducted where participants from Brazil, Russia, Malaysia etc came to Assam to exchange their culture by positioning their various theme based concerts," added Sri Sankar Prasad, Regional Director, ICCR emphasizing on growing global attention of Assam through such frequent cultural programs.

Talented students are aided by ICCR to exchange state's culture on global platform so that they can understand global perspective and share their experience with the Assamese community. Help evolve Assamese art and culture, inspire people globally.

Lichtanski Sound Lab album comprised of nostalgic jazz music which is quite inspirational for ardent western music lovers. It’s comprised of escalating music like ‘In Progress’, Wczoraj Rano, Day Dream, Peace of Mind, Second Best and Cristin Came which music was landed by Lichtanski, Michal, Michal Kapczuk and Szymon.

These highly elevating but simple artists of Poland have driven entire audience’s attention. Many from the audience who had first came to attend the ICCR festival stated, “I thought let me see what Jazz music is about. But the entire moment of this musical evening was very intriguing as the flavor of Saxophone and Piano had something different to deliver. Usually accustomed to Indian traditional music but this Polish Jazz I favorably found to be very interesting and quite refreshing.”

Lichtanski who after performing at Shillong and Guwahati in Northeast zone of India added, “the entire experience was enthralling. Except of slight rain disruption in Shillong, the crowd was really good. Looking forward to play in Northeast again as yet we have not yet explored much of this region.”

Szymon stated, “We have visited India more than once but northeast is our first venture and it was really a beautiful experience. Yet to know about Assamese music insight.” The Indian and the state government have taken extra care of this Polish jazz troupe by deploying extensive military measures. On the whole this one and half hour musical night which started at 6 p.m. came to a beautiful ending as the special invitees took pleasure of each moment. There was no room for boredom Lichtanski’s jazz performance on this grand eve of International Jazz Festival in Assam.

Northeastindiacapsule - special coverage
Co editor - Anima Bora

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