Thursday 13 September 2018

BMW Intensifies Health Risk If PCBA Do Not Take Stern Measure

Today in Assam and many regions of Northeast are suffering higher percentage of health risk due to BMW (Bio Medical Waste) healthcare institutions’ law negligence as implemented by (PCBA) Pollution Control Board Assam on limits of waste generation as per to bed figures and infectious medical waste disposals.

According to CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General of India) a dumping ground can pose a serious threat to its nearby areas if BMW litter comes in contact with the livings. As virus attack from BMW blood droplet is upto 7d, prone to injuries from its littered sharp particles, tendency of nosocomial infection including spread of exposed harmful radioactive ray. Toxic emitted from BMW drug waste is highly dangerous to the environment.

Healthcare institutes have failed to follow BMW rules as implemented by the PCBA body to skip heavy fees for generating waste that could exceed from Rs. 40,000 to 2 lakh per HCE (Healthcare Care Establishments). According to CAG survey report nearly 5% to 10 % of 1014 Assam healthcare institutions procures PCBA authentication in BMW generation. If PCBA is not stern with its actions then there will be more hospitals and less healthy population.


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