Monday 26 June 2017

Mizoram To Trigger Down TB Rates In HIV-Hit People To Control Death Toll

Mizoram government is into a dynamic ‘Test and Treat Strategy’ health combat along with state AIDS Control Society (MSACS) to ensure free Anti Retrovira Therapy (ART) and CD4 for effective elimination of such life threatening HIV disease.

Under this enhanced HIV treatment program Mizoram Health Minister Lal Thanzara had addressed to the people for their co-operation, especially from church and NGO group he indicated to tame the dreaded HIV/AIDS diseases in fastest way by educating and arranging facilities for the affected. Already ART health program has been successful in controlling TB rates due to which death rate in HIV/AIDS patients have lowered.

Mizo Not To Entertain Illegal Trading To Avoid Threat To Traditional Trade System

Mizo Zirlai Pawl (MZP) the apex student body of Mizoram who on to a recent revolt, accused the top shopping retailer Vishal Mega Mart for misusing local term in their outlets’ new extension as “Mizoname”  which is not a legal way to use it to influence business prospect.

Mizoram Merchant Association (MIMA) strongly inimical to Vishal Mega Mart retail chain concept in Aizwal after three months of its launch as it would impact adversely the traditional business system and the revenue of Mizo traders. 

Three months after Vishal Mega Mart launch another mega retailer Bazar India initiated to make the next move at Chaltlang zone of capital city Aizawl which triggered intense fear of local business slop in Mizo business circuit for which they had taken the matter to Home Minister for cancellation of two years Inner Line Permit (ILP) to non-tribal businessmen. This potential measure has been taken by the community of Mizo oriented traders in the fear of losing out in competition against non-mizo traders.

Saturday 24 June 2017

Assam Bamboo Industry On To A New Revolution To Upsurge Productivity And Income

Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal in envision of current Bamboo industry’s dip in market is planning for a dynamic strategy to bring revolution in its revenue with introduce of Rs 62.28 crore worth hi-tech Bamboo Technology Park here in Kamrup district at its Chaygaon centre.

Northeast region is the highest producer of raw bamboo with 66 % production rate but its utility purpose is less due to financial, manpower and technological strain where multi-purpose hi-tech Bamboo Technology Park in Assam was launched to give an edge to its productivity and yearly turnover.

This initiative by Industries and Commerce department and Union Department of Industrial Policy has been made to make Assam as a core participant in boosting India’s bamboo revenue. In this advance initiative to transform Bamboo Technology Park the promoters of it like Special Purpose Vehicle of Assam Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) including private entrepreneurs had remained as potential contributor to accomplish the mission of larger productivity, employment and revenue growth.

It is in the attempt to give new hope and win back confidence of the artists and employees including its entrepreneurs this mission to revolutionize the industry has been attempted by various bamboo divisions and the government.

According to MSME’s (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) report, greater output from bamboo resources are like incense sticks including hand craft products. But beyond that Assam industry minister Chandra Mohan Patowary is aiming for a greater potential output from the launch of this park to meet varied ends for commercial and utility purposes at optimum level through implementation of advance technology

It is in objective the Bamboo Technology Park has been launched in a huge plot at Chaygaon, Assam to ensure multi-purpose activities, accommodating trainers for education in latest technological nuances  apart from training session to adapt new skills including job provision at the same complex arena. 

Friday 23 June 2017

Sonowal Decision To Transform Kamakhya As India’s Special Spiritual Tour Destination Quotes Visitors As Its Brand Ambassador

Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal determined to take an extra initiative to give a unequivocal transformed Spiritual outlook to Kamakhya temple on account of massive crowd inflow due to Ambubachi Mela and trigger Assam Tourism growth.

During the phase of Ambubachi Mela inaugural address at Kamakhya Temple by Chie Minister Sarbananda Sonowal had acknowledged government’s priority and responsibility to boost for its development as it is honored as one of the 52 'shakti peeths' of India. 

Prior measure that Sonowal government is to undertake is cleanliness and hygiene drive by educating through frequent campaign to corer visitors of Kamakhya temple that they act as responsible citizen and do not distort its image by littering on its premise.

To materialize this spiritual tourism mission there will be proper funding under Narendra Modi's government’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan program to project the nation as Clean India by targeting its most popular tourist destinations. Boosting the visitors of Kamakhya temple Chief Minister Sonowal addressed them as the real ambassador in branding city's heritage and culture in better limelight.

Thursday 22 June 2017

ASEB, Rainwater Or Abnormal Infrastructure layout – Whose Blame Game In Recent Flood Causalities?

Couple of growing menace of death series causes due to one big flush of rain in Guwahati city are mostly like blind throw estimations where simply turning the table of blame game by targeting authority, municipality dept, flood control dept,..etc., won’t help.

But is it really A.S.E.B  or heavy downpour, Municipality’s poor drainage system planning, flood department’s weak statistic to control future flood or unplanned infrastructure set up that are forcing life out of multiple innocents?

Question is many but is there any minister who had vindicated over this complicated annual monsoon phase of inundation. Well answer is still not clear. Unified logistic layout as to where hidden blockades are located, analysis on changing river courses and measure against illegal infrastructure and toxic growth control statistic are vital to avert repeated flood scenario.

Down level buildings in the city are analysed to be the worst affected by even small flush of rain and the blame goes to illegal infrastructure authorisation and somewhere due to toxic blockade growth including change of river courses.
“Point is Guwahati is soon to be recognized as metro city but this idea could be devastated by today’s 22nd June, Thursday morning’s flush of heavy downpour impact in future. Pathetically there is no future solution as long as greed and insanity rules with none’s intention to understand geographic impact on improper layout of infrastructure and necessity of increased water outlets to flush excess water and immediate redirect and usage of excess rain water,” highlighted Prantu Deka a college student.

“Be it a blame game of rain or river water inundation or ASEB department’s fault in managing sufficient people to shut down the main power line when severe rain and wind hits an area, error undoubtedly is due to human for not remaining prepared and eventually causing many a casualties to life and property,” expressed by business executive Devi Prasad.

“It is an unknown flood relation journey for people of Guwahati and to graph out confirm solution through implementation of advanced technology and proper drainage system program will be a futile attempt for next another ten years since annual causalities are exceeding along with deforestation cases,” what engineer Meera Das estimated.

NEIC Analytic Report: Sumi

Essence Of France Breaks Into The Northeast Barrier On ‘World Music Day’ 2017, Assam

This time the flavour of France celebrated on June 21st worldwide as ‘World Music Day’ was marked at the rejuvenating ambience of mighty Brahmaputra’s riverine beauty at ITA Centre for Performing Arts, Bhorolumukh, Machkhowa, Guwahati with strong crowd of music lovers to experience mix flavoured music played on varied international instruments.

This music celebration ‘World Music Day’ inspired from world’s strong base for generating music and art, France which developed this decades old traditional concept to bring it to national priority as a salute to music artists involved in driving the entertainment business.

Mumbai and New Delhi along with rest of India marked ‘Fete de la Musique’ or ‘World Music Day’ 2017 in grandeur manner. Today with India in the list this seasonal musical eve is observed by 120 nations that started way back in 1982 on summer month 21st June that is also the longest day of the year.

Musician Kirti Prabar Das 
Northeast 2nd edition ‘World Music Day’ organised by D Prolific, Tipkai and Spriha was observed by a strong crowd of mix genre and ages who enjoyed the sinking moment of music that was played by experienced national artists on varied instruments.
Famous music professional and D Prolific founder, Kirti Prabar Das expressed that he is quite positive about the event that is popularizing in Northeast crowd. Noted Assamese artist, Kirti further added, “I expect strong response as it is globally observed and strong crowd of music lovers of Northeast is definitely going to enjoy this musical platform where experienced and popular artists will deliver their best intriguing collection. 

Chayan Gogoi Deka the founder of Tipkai on ‘World Music Day 2017’ event’s following day workshop added, “Blind group of children from Basistha School of Guwahati will be attending the workshop along with noted personalities and dignitaries of Assam to grace the event to boost music by breaking barriers and enthral audience worldwide.”

NEIC Exclusive Report: Sumi

Wednesday 21 June 2017

3rd International Documentary Film Festival, Assam Ensures Greater Exposure For Northeast Artists

The 3rd edition International Documentary Film Festival at the heart of Guwahati city Assam brings a hope of light to the Northeast artists from film sector to get a greater exposure in a single platform on the latest global challenges to ace in documentation project.

Governor of Assam, Shri Banwarilal Purohit on an initial for Northeast film industry development emphasised on required help to promote better the talented artists by creating the right platform to bring out quality work and in influencing state’s rich culture and values.

Noted personalities like Dr.jabbar Patel, Jhanu Barua, V.B. Pyarelal (Additional Chief Secretary, Assam and Joint Secretary (Films), Min. Of I&B and Govt of India, Ashok Kumar Parmar were present to alight the moment of this 4 day film fest in Assam, Northeast.

In an interaction with student visitor of Assam like Nishad Ranjan Gogoi expressed, “It is a joy to be a part of this film fest as it is the greatest opportunity for me to get direct exposure to such big platform where I feel much interaction with documentary experts is required to broaden perspective on the actual scenario of global competition and latest film technology and direction skills.
Bhaskar Jyoti Bhuyan who is one of the visitors of estimated four hundred strong crowd at the venue of the international film fest at Jyoti Chitraban, Kahilipara, Guwahati, Assam added, “Definitely being a student of film institute I am expecting for such consecutive events to give bigger insight on film world apart from documentary development.”

Entertainment industry in India is growing and has become the largest revenue provider where in perspective to this the government has encouraged potentially for the launch of the four day 3rd edition International Documentary Film Festival in Guwahati

NEIC Exclusive Report: Sumi

Saturday 17 June 2017

Merge Of Differences Could Lead To Effective NEDA Impact In Arunachal Pradesh

The BJP’s regional constituents in the North East along with the People’s Party of Arunachal (PPA) realizes the prerequisite to merge the gap of differences existent with alliance partners to survive NEDA with potential outcome.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Amit Shah has rescheduled his earlier talk meet in Arunachal due to further discussion with Himanta Biswa Sarma on the crucial social and economic scenario of the state.

More eager than Amit Shah is PPA for a meet to sort out defective Arunachal Statehood Act of 1987 by presenting a memorandum to safeguard state’s indigenous people’s welfare interest.

Friday 16 June 2017

Upper Basin Of Assam Ignites Hope For Oil On New Fuel Source

Oil India Limited’s aggressive fuel attempt in the Upper Basin of Assam has landed them up with new of reveal Hydrocarbon source at its well of South Baghjan-2 for Petroleum Mining Lease (PML). 

This discovery has added another figure in addition to existent ten discoveries in its operational areas of Assam during the phase of 2016-17.   

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Rule Of Time Zone Work Schedule Matters Where Electricity Consumption And Output Matters

It is not for the first time such an idea has been put across to Indian administrative department but Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu made a shift in this drive by reflecting on energy saving concept with effective work output on implanting regional based working hour classification.

Effectiveness of this time zone plan is that when day’s tick tocks in India it’s northeastern region that wakes up and finishes of work before rest of nation make their move. On the contrary rest of India can flex out daylight working hours till seven where the scenario of sun gets over at 4:30-5.00 p.m. in eastern regions.

On this note if people plans to set working hour then they could realize how effectively they are saving electricity without having stay evening working hours as the day finishes without affecting their productivity. But somewhere connection with time zone idea work shift should be realized and consented by mass at large of India. Ideas can sprout by how effective it is only should be left to public’s real life experience.

Indecent Version From Kamakhya’s Main Scenario To Be Deleted Be It Nudity Or Drug In Sadhu Style

No doubt the Kamakhya premise has become a sensitive issue being Assam’s popular global brand representation due to its Ambubachi Mela where tourist and devotees flow in lakhs but its traditional nude and drug scenario of Naga Sadhus is also a sight embarrassment which state authority has planned to delete it from the main venue by arranging a different section for them.

This traditional style of Sadhus might appear as a bizarre concept for some visiting Kamakhya temple at the Nilachal peak point of Guwahati city. People initially may not favorably have a good account of experience on Kamakhay visit during Ambubachi Mela with encounter of Naga Sadhus’ open nudity and drug consumption display concept.

But this ancient temple dedicated to goddess Druga observes earth fertility moment once in a year on June month as similar representation to female menstrual cycle which not observed in any parts of the world as a holy ritual with such grandeur.

This makes this five-day long annual state celebration ‘Ambubachi Mela’ of Kamakhya as a special and the most auspicious moment for pilgrim visit among ritual Indian followers. In this exchange of government’s interference with Sadhus may not impact them as they are determined to follow their ritualistic ways. The reason simply because they travel all the way from Himalaya to Nilachal Parbat Assam to pay their obeisance to Goddess Druga and never follow normal human’s code of conduct. This may trigger tense in the usual peaceful process  of ‘Ambubachi Mela.’

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Tea Industry’s 44% Growth Empowering New Tea Producers To Do Competitively Better

The small tea producers of Assam are competitively racing ahead with top competitors in this industry with peak of 44% in current market survey report by the Tea Board of India. 

On a comparative note the Tea Board of India’s survey report showed dramatic change in Assam’s 10.12 hectares tea producers or small growers and reckoned as driving force in state’s tea revenue. Even the government feels to aid them financially to improve their productivity and quality of green leaf production to boost international competition.

On international level the Indian small grower’s contribution in tea revenue output reveals constitute 70 % in trading and 60 % in productivity according to the Inter-governmental Group on Tea of Food and Agriculture Organisation.

Mission Sampada Aimed By The Govt To Improve Food Supplement And Farmer’s Revenue Process

It is expected that entire north-eastern region including Assam to be benefited with greater food production through Indian government’s launch of Sampada scheme for improved life structure to remote people through carefully tailored loan policy. 

To empower entrepreneurs and farmers a loan or fund policy designed snot only to meet limited people’s benefit for major agro production outcome by 2022 according to Modi’s government. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Sampada food generation scheme ensures major development of the agriculture sector with latest technology and support to boost India’s core economic drive the agro food production sector and strengthening farmers financially.

It has been stressed by PM Modi during the launch of mission Sampada that financial uplift of farmers can only drive the nation economically further. In this agro product development process through Sampada policy launch aims to improve the farmer’s salary in double figure by 2022. 

Indian Govt To Boost The Entrepreneurs By Arming Them With High-End Beneficial Loan Policy

The entrepreneur turnover in India is fast peaking due to job limitation and at this breaking point to save the unemployed by driving into entrepreneurship for better livelihood; the Indian government with co-operation of state level administrative units is to initiate lucrative bank loan offers

To trigger down the surmounting pressure on aspiring entrepreneurs to make their livelihood with fresh start-up policy with aid of good will investors to empower powerful bank loan offer policy. So that banks could encourage more entrepreneurship turnout by flexing out debt pressure timeline with add of interest subsidies and appealing incentives.

In Assam, Northeast it will be initially through the Assam Gramin Vikash Bank the Assam Angel Network will work out on the blue-print of this start-up policy wherein there will be support from influentially rich group from all over the country to contribute in funding.

According to this soon to be introduced start-up policy the state government is to add 5 per cent to Rs 10 lakh loan seekers on annual subsidy interest under this plan with alternate fund scheme name Sarothi. The government plans for successful bank network expansion for fund provision relevant to summate figure of demand. This policy to boost entrepreneurship in India is open to major sectors like biotechnology, communication technology, electronics, institutions agriculture, skilled manpower, minerals, fuel, construction, food caterers and manufacturers and tourism driven entrepreneurs.

Saturday 10 June 2017

Indian Government’s Major Wi-Fi Connectivity Roll Out Plan For Digitally Accomplished Rural India

Indian government’s commitment for large scale rural connectivity for nation’s progress through enhanced 25,000 Wi-Fi hotspots services in net debarred regions came into reality with its (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) BSNL and the (Universal Service Obligation Fund) USOF’s joint effort.

A part of GST drive many a thinks as this is as an agenda being featured by bankers and ministers of various parts of India on its July roll-out. But the government feels present trend demands faster growth which could be accomplished through major digitization of India. Moreover there is 60% hype in data consumption from its first phase with edge of 3.5 times on the running third phase.

To accommodate more new net users government is making more effective solution to relish uninterrupted services through its BSNL 25,000 Wi-Fi Hotspots service.

Friday 9 June 2017

Eco-System Based Economic Assam Refinery’s Bamboo Biofuel Transaction Mode To Arunachal Pradesh

To save the eco-system from harmful chemical based man-made products Assam’s NRL (Numaligarh Refinery) on to an innovative note found economic and eco-friendly solution to process biofuel to Arunachal Pradesh with its rich bamboo resource.

To give dimension to this unique idea, 3 lakh tonnes of bamboo will be supplied annually by the Arunachal Pradesh government to Assam and for which a memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been inked with NRL.

According Arunachal Petroleum Minister this way of bamboo utilization will definitely curtail 70% plus bamboo wastage as only 5% of its resources utilized for paper production where another 5% for other cane based decorative and utility items. 

Assam Gas To Extend From 5.5 to 13 Mmscmd To Meet Greater Demand For Greater Return

The plan is on the roll to flex out more natural gas pipeline to adequate fuel sufficiency in the state by Assam government with extension of Jagdishpur-Haldia line from Barauni to Guwahati and Bongaigaon destinations of the state.

In proposed submission of papers for pipeline set up to transact fuel from Barauni, Bihar to Guwahati via Bongaigaon by State government enterprise, Assam Gas to the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) also initiated to erect spur lines by the bank of Brahmaputra to trade with bordering states like Nagaland and Arunachal. Successful implementation of spur lines from Brahmaputra to further extension of Northeast may also include Meghalaya, Barak Valley and Tripura into the fuel map.

This greater gas pipeline initiative has been taken with potential consumers’ effort to circulate the fuel to a greater circuit ready to buy at lesser cost. Reduce cost and greater supplement of gas will definitely help boost industrial growth on revenue and productivity basis. 

Thursday 8 June 2017


57 Secs Untold The Kashmir Files Video Hit!


Super Success ‘The Kashmir Files’ movie a true version which is titled as “The Untold Kashmir Files” depicted not 

Tezpur Sets To Welcome Bihu In Full Scale Whereas AASU Protest Against Price Burn

Tezpur sets to welcome Bihu in full scale despite price peaks whereas AASU sits for protest against escalating price

All Classes Resume In Mizoram

After two years hurdle Mizoram sets to reopen full-fledged classes for all groups

Environment Friendly EKA The First Electric Bus Launched, A Hope To Northeast


Increase transportation has decreased air quality in the environment which is a great threat

CM Himanta Fields For BJP Candidate For Majuli Win

Leaving no stone unturned even Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma took to

First Ever Tribal Film Fest In Arunachal Pradesh

The two day first ever International Tribal Film Festival to be conducted

Manipur Marches For The Final Phase

Manipur expected 8, 38, 730 voters to march for the final phase 

Guwahati IIT Fetches Australia’s Attention

In the zest to cooperate with Assam’s Guwahati based IIT

Sticky Rice In Telangana Tiggers Plastic Rice Alarm After Northeast But What Is This China Artificial Foil?

Telangana recently triggered alarm of plastic rice after the detection of sticky and different odour of cooked rice by certain people, investigators in the attempt to crack down another Chinese foil to sell artificial harmful food product after egg attempt in major parts of Indian market, discovered negative result.

But then what is the panic about artificial rice that rocked many parts of the nation after China’s successful artificial egg supply? Simply people can take a sample of rice from the grocery and soak it in disposable container to check whether it floats on spot. If rice floats then it is artificial as pure plastic material never soaks. The method could be applied to the egg and other new emergence of plastic food products.

Northeast is directly bordered with China and after major hit by plastic egg supply in various states of it, requires highest awareness on artificial harmful food product detection technique instead of getting panicky every time you cook. 

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Myanmar Initiative To Trade With India Is A Fortune For Northeast To Begin International Trade

Recently Myanmar nation adjoining Mizoram border of India is for the first time on to an active trade relation with the country in promoting its products which reflects Northeast’s greater international business extension after Bangladesh success.

No doubt Northeast's patient await for decades since India’s independence is over, ready  to experience full swing South Asian Trade relation soon with greater opening for business opportunities for India also.

Futuristic international business prospect with neighboring country looks positive after Maynmar’s deputy minister for commerce, Nay Pyi Taw displayed confidence on border and bilateral trade processing with India.

Mizoram will become the gateway to Maynmar international trade relation if its Pan Khwar destination gets selected as India new trade transit point to extend South Asian International market.

Too Fast Too Good But Mizoram On Slow Net, Not Ready For 1st July GST Roll Out

Mizoram would love to brace new Good and Services taxation criterions but with low network in major regions of the state the Taxation Minister Lalsawta appears less sanguine on Indian government’s decision to launch the policy on 1st July.

According to Taxation Minister Lalsawta, region like Northeast with low networking in major states of it is not ready to brace GST norms as it won’t allow will hamper in the smooth processing of the policy and fear disappointing outcome. The pressure is tremendous on bankers and lenders as well where with low network regions, the processing of GST policy is estimated to turn as a disaster without proper adequacy in fulfilling its norms.

Economically India is a top rated competitive market in the world but somewhere in the country things are not happening too fast as result expected by leaders where GST bracing is not an easy task.

Monday 5 June 2017

Assam Industry Minister Invites Russia To Seek Lucrative Investment Opportunities

Northeast Assam is definitely a rich natural resource zone but Assam Industry Minister on Russia meet made a remarkable confident statement “When you think investments, think of Assam” which impressively reflected the state as convincing investors’ futuristic viable zone.

Assam Industry Minister Chandra Mohan Patowary being quite positive about GST policy norms of Indian government reflected state’s futuristic and healthy industrial plans with prospective to magnetize the south east Asian market in Russia.

Russia’s St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) where Assam Industry Minister at the 'State Showcase- Assam Session' address highlighted on region’s growing value as a bankable zone for productivity to investors, boasted about annual investment reach of Rs 6,500 crore in 2016 with capacity of 40,000 employment generation.

In this leading international business platform where 133 economically competitive nations participated Minister Patowary as India’s business representative emphasized on fruitful trade relation with Assam for growth.

Saturday 3 June 2017

117 Years Special Heritage College Of Assam Widens For University Status

Way back in 1901 on May 27 first time in northeast India the foundation for collegiate level infrastructure was set up at the core of Guwahati city to minify heavy expenses for higher distance Kolkata colleges but now Assam government has initiated to take it to proper university format.   


On this historic coalesce of Cotton College with Cotton College State University to claim the new title as Cotton University the Assam Education Minister Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma on account renaming ceremony revealed about further development of it to compete as the one of the South East Asia’s top universities.

Students Of Assam Will Be Limited To Sharing Of Board Exam Answer Scripts Or Even Caring For Correction Objection?

Transparency in evaluation process is cardinal to keep the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) at bay from grace mark controversy but it is found that error in paper correction also possible at this point but is the student empowered to object.


At this sharing point of Board Exam Answer Scripts equivalently requires further call of caring to the students’ object in correction error. But in this way it assures further controversy of SEBA’s paper scrutiny process as answer scripts figures in million in comparative to figure of candidates. Next may be enhanced SEBA scrutiny technology by our honourable Assam Education minister Himanta Biswa Sarma in the attempt of fair deal of transparency of the board?

Friday 2 June 2017

Pollution Emission Can Take Toll On Shillong Cement Plants

Under new sanction of law passed by the Meghalaya government if Shillong’s cement plants detected to be violating Pollution Emission code of conduct then its function will be put to a stall.

On the building pressure from the complaint lodged by Sajay Laloo on the State Government and the Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board to the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to save Myntdu River the cement plants of Jaintia Hills had been warned about the peril for affecting the ecosystem with its emission of pollution.

As per to Supreme Court’s order if any cement industries without effluent treatment plants will be debarred from electric supply and bring its function to a stall.

Will Arunachal People Revive Back What They Lost Way Back In 1962?

Presently Chief Minister Pema Khandu lead government’ senior officials like Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju emphasizing center to compensate those residents of Arunachal Pradesh who sacrificed their land in 1962 to allow defence infrastructures set up during war with China.

According to the crucial discussion between Kiren Rijiju  and defence ministry officials at the Lok Sabha revealed compensation estimation figure to be of Rs 3,000 crore plus. After the parliament session the Army was directed to corporate with Arunachal government for speedy clearance of all the pending monetary issues relating to 1962 war loss.

Emerged 'Nightingale' From Bollywood Who Evoked Northeast Rattled By Her Demise

Emerged ‘Nightingale’ from Bollywood who evoked Northeast with her bilingual songs rattled by the death of Lata Mangeshkar who breathed her last at Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital after rigorous battle with corona at the age of ninety two.

Hopes of her recovery was high and everyone in music industry thought of her welcome after her tedious fight with corona but the golden voice that stirred people worldwide winning prestigious awards internationally left everyone cold at 8:12 a.m.

Cremation was carried with full state honor where last rite of Lata Mangeshkar was offered by her brother Hridyanath Mangeshkar at Shivaji Park. Thousands took to 10 kms line to the cremation ground at Shivaji Nagar, raising the echo of her undying voice as Lata Mangeshkar body merged in the pyre, leaving million unforgettable memories behind. Assam’s iconic singer Parvin Sultana refreshed her essence and grace of the humble soul Lataji who gave hope to many to make singing as a career.



Nagaland Fetches 48 Million Dollar World Bank Fund For 4 Health Projects

It is for the first time Nagaland will be directly aided by World Bank for its health development sector where 48 million dollar fund has been issued along with government’s funding of 78 crore.

Department of Health & Family Welfare on the launch of this world Bank funded  Nagaland Health Project will include Jan Aushadhi (Generic Drugs), Malaria Elimination initiative (NVBDCP)and Rashtriya Swashya Bima Yojana (RSBY) in 11 of its district hospitals.


The amount sanctioned by the World Bank is in addition to what the government will be investing in its eleven districts’ health sectors. According to the world bank authority successful installation of four health projects depends on the proper performance of the members involved in management and accountability of the fund.

Current estimate cost of this 5-7 years tenure health project is about 60 million (INR 390.5 crore)which include vital disease awareness, availability of required drugs and nutrient to the underdeveloped zones and infrastructure development equipped with latest technology.