Thursday 22 June 2017

ASEB, Rainwater Or Abnormal Infrastructure layout – Whose Blame Game In Recent Flood Causalities?

Couple of growing menace of death series causes due to one big flush of rain in Guwahati city are mostly like blind throw estimations where simply turning the table of blame game by targeting authority, municipality dept, flood control dept,..etc., won’t help.

But is it really A.S.E.B  or heavy downpour, Municipality’s poor drainage system planning, flood department’s weak statistic to control future flood or unplanned infrastructure set up that are forcing life out of multiple innocents?

Question is many but is there any minister who had vindicated over this complicated annual monsoon phase of inundation. Well answer is still not clear. Unified logistic layout as to where hidden blockades are located, analysis on changing river courses and measure against illegal infrastructure and toxic growth control statistic are vital to avert repeated flood scenario.

Down level buildings in the city are analysed to be the worst affected by even small flush of rain and the blame goes to illegal infrastructure authorisation and somewhere due to toxic blockade growth including change of river courses.
“Point is Guwahati is soon to be recognized as metro city but this idea could be devastated by today’s 22nd June, Thursday morning’s flush of heavy downpour impact in future. Pathetically there is no future solution as long as greed and insanity rules with none’s intention to understand geographic impact on improper layout of infrastructure and necessity of increased water outlets to flush excess water and immediate redirect and usage of excess rain water,” highlighted Prantu Deka a college student.

“Be it a blame game of rain or river water inundation or ASEB department’s fault in managing sufficient people to shut down the main power line when severe rain and wind hits an area, error undoubtedly is due to human for not remaining prepared and eventually causing many a casualties to life and property,” expressed by business executive Devi Prasad.

“It is an unknown flood relation journey for people of Guwahati and to graph out confirm solution through implementation of advanced technology and proper drainage system program will be a futile attempt for next another ten years since annual causalities are exceeding along with deforestation cases,” what engineer Meera Das estimated.

NEIC Analytic Report: Sumi

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