Wednesday 7 June 2017

Too Fast Too Good But Mizoram On Slow Net, Not Ready For 1st July GST Roll Out

Mizoram would love to brace new Good and Services taxation criterions but with low network in major regions of the state the Taxation Minister Lalsawta appears less sanguine on Indian government’s decision to launch the policy on 1st July.

According to Taxation Minister Lalsawta, region like Northeast with low networking in major states of it is not ready to brace GST norms as it won’t allow will hamper in the smooth processing of the policy and fear disappointing outcome. The pressure is tremendous on bankers and lenders as well where with low network regions, the processing of GST policy is estimated to turn as a disaster without proper adequacy in fulfilling its norms.

Economically India is a top rated competitive market in the world but somewhere in the country things are not happening too fast as result expected by leaders where GST bracing is not an easy task.

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