Friday 9 June 2017

Eco-System Based Economic Assam Refinery’s Bamboo Biofuel Transaction Mode To Arunachal Pradesh

To save the eco-system from harmful chemical based man-made products Assam’s NRL (Numaligarh Refinery) on to an innovative note found economic and eco-friendly solution to process biofuel to Arunachal Pradesh with its rich bamboo resource.

To give dimension to this unique idea, 3 lakh tonnes of bamboo will be supplied annually by the Arunachal Pradesh government to Assam and for which a memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been inked with NRL.

According Arunachal Petroleum Minister this way of bamboo utilization will definitely curtail 70% plus bamboo wastage as only 5% of its resources utilized for paper production where another 5% for other cane based decorative and utility items. 

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