Friday 9 November 2018

Assam Police Force Need To Shift Gear To Higher Grade Investigation And Weapon Process

To counteract growing crime complicacy in Assam as being the gateway of Northeast the state recently has been attracting all sorts of crime activities in its base giving tough competition to present police task force which is still in slow gear process.

Be it investigation or weapon arming to counteract crime complicacy, the present police task force is yet to edge on procuring the latest style in combating growing challenges in securing the state.

It is not that Assam police is not edging to combat against crime as there is record of dangerous criminal arrest in the line of illegal drug supply (like Psychotropic and Narcotic Drugs), fake notes, land grab, wildlife materials, car lifter nexus, smuggling and cyber attack.

Annually if the worth of police seized illegal items during crime operation in Assam is accounted then it can escalate near to Rs. 100 crore or may be above. The dark side of the sate market cannot be controlled unless the entire Northeast states’ police force cooperate with the Assam police force to boost their strategy including proper political influence as alone edge technology and high end investigation could not tap the growing challenges in state’s crime.


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