Saturday 5 August 2017

Caution On - What Made Hutchin To Grill Wannacry Has Today Grilled Him!

Is this an end to ethical hacking by grilling Marcus Hutchins the Wannacry hero who saved the digital world from collapse by putting his day and night effort to put an end to wide spread virus with his powerful malware analytics?

Wannacry attack if we remember was successful to succumb more than 1 million all over the world through malicious ransomware coding which Marcus Hutchins’ powerful master on malware attack helped to eliminate it out from further damage to worldwide systems.

Marcus Hutchins who has his own MalwareTech site to solution any computer compromise issues with his brilliant malware coding was picked up by FBI for going beyond ethics of hacking in bank systems for personal benefit.

But why a hacker would go against hacking concept or professionals? A thief pointing out to other’s theft account because he wants to portray himself as angel or hero when he likes doing the same. Even a malignant politician do not point out darker matters of the society as he knows even his hands are washed in sins unless someone opens the case in the court.

It is reported by the attorney that FBI’s reveal is a shock to everyone and Hutchins’ worldwide supporters are gathering to financially support him for his bail out? Why a society would like to bail out someone against them even after FBI reported “his malware skills are dangerous for the society?”

Is it a plot of avenge against Hutchin for deactivating “Wannacry”? Why FBI was not aware about his past criminal record before his accidental heroic deed of deactivating Wannacry? Even Salim Neino, CEO of Los Angeles based Kryptos Logic, did not know about his malicious outlook while appointing him at his company for a responsible job?

It was at Kryptos Logic where this malware tech expert was investigating on Wannacry day night when on one fine Friday afternoon in May detected "kill switch" to deactivate the virus from spreading. But it is all of a sudden he detected the “kill switch” code that was left by the attackers while he was running a program at Kryptos Logic and since then he came to be termed as “accident hero.” But later Hutchin also warned about more complicated malicious attack which will be far challenging to decode.

Even Hutchin is aware about consequences if he detected for any malware attack? Is he a fool to leave a track of his misdeed when he is such an ace malware perfectionist? Hutchin’s power is equivalent to Windows10 hackers which even Microsoft was not sentient about their data theft.

Los Angeles-based Kryptos Logic, where hundred plus computer experts were investigating against the Wannacry virus that affected digital operations in 150 nations where this security research expert Hutchin of 22 years only broke the code and instantly hit global fame. Before this glory where Hutchin’s alleged dark past was kept in concealment?

“Undetected Hacking Pays if Detected Pays.” - NEIC Quote
Decision is yours whether you want to remain as hero or flush out as zero. First take crime of thieving from mind for never know when you become the one.

Hutchin after attending a conference on hacking was arrested by FBI on banking malware distribution case known as Kronos in 2014. It means at the age of 18 years he did that!!!! Possible or Impossible! - Caution on what made Hutchin to grill Wannacry has today grilled him.

NEIC Author: Sumi

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