Monday 12 December 2016

Technology And New Innovative Approach Can Widen Music Horizon What Assamese Music Heartthrob Papon Feels

Papon Mahanta who is closely associated with various music platforms feels there are major outlets for filmy and non-filmy beats to get exposed to large scale of mass.

Radio City is an ideal platform with introduce of seven retro web music stations for non-filmy beats like folk, pop and rock music looking for reach and popularity.

Innovative approach and technology edge has made possible for music lovers to expose their talent with extension of support from Radio City FM channels what forty plus Assamese singer Papon feels.

Latest in trend music apps which is a part of entertainment has become active player in helping struggling to achieve their goals according Papon’s analysis on how improved technology is helping prefer music as career.

Five years difference from now has improved the scenario of music platform with advent of more dynamic outlook to attract singers to popularize in a cost effective manner their creative non-filmy beats with crowd which Papon thinks is a best solution to give worth to the effort of the talented.

According to Papon the Saavn's 'Artist-in- Residence Program' is an ideal outlet to push the aspiring artists to an edge where varied styles of music are encouraged. Even Papon feels Saavn is the right medium to get desired traffic for his upcoming creation ‘The Story Now’ which really sounds interestingly haathke means different. This year Sultan fame Papon has added another feather to his cap with Befikre hit where he landed his voice for ‘Labon ka karobaar’ with flavor of McCleary’s European. Hope Papon angles something different to feed the music lovers in the coming year. 

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