Monday 12 December 2016

ZUF Will Be Severe Upon Congress Operation If Threatened To Surrender Their Land

The Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) points ruling Manipur government’s craft to initiate new districts is like old wine in fresh labeled bottles to which they won’t compromise and if threatened to push back from its land then they can initiate severe move.

Zeliangrong people are on high alert on government’s movement and activities that can pose threat to their land as it is their ancestral property for which they can go to any extent. According to ZUF the decision of seven new districts by the government was made without all the stakeholders’ consent that added fuel to anger of people fighting for their right to live.

White Paper demand on the issue of new districts by the government was made by the ZUF and if Congress party and its agents violates their rights then they have their ways to answer back. 

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