Wednesday 31 August 2016

Tea table secrets of Assam

Tea table secrets of Assam, there are many codes of serving this refreshing liquor and styles of procuring quality product from plants and its influence on tea tables worldwide.

The head of the family is greeted with respect by offering a cup of tea on hand and a gamucha (an Assamese finely made towel) if nothing is prepared early in the morning. Be it with mild touch of tea leaves with concentrated smell emitted while bringing it to boil by adding it with pinch of salt and sugar as per to taste or rich serve with creamy milk it just enough for early morning start up. Ladies especially the newly married ones impresses by serving tea to elders. Elders in remote areas are pleased by seeing the sight of a tea cup.

Traditionally jaggery in solid or finely sliced or crushed formats along with black tea was a customary gesture to greet visitors. Now with advanced technology and varied tea seed cultivation have dramatically changed the fortune of tea planters. It is no more sipped at small remote places by hard workers but has become a customary part of morning, afternoon and evening menu in urban areas also.

After China neighboring country India places its foot at second place for providing quality tea and in meeting global demands due to Assam’s enormous contribution.  If not for British intervention in Indian administration then this dramatic tea scenario in Assam, estimated to be a different case.

In present tea mass-market of Assam various techniques like crush–tear-curl leaf style, crush-dry-sieve and dry-fine crush are implemented to get end product. It is considered that best tea product is derived from matured leaves of plants which is derived after the flush out of its initial leaves.

English breakfast is comprised with sip of Assam black tea whereas the case in India is different which starts with milky strong essence of tea to keep the day refreshing. Stories of serving Assam tea on table imbibe in different ways in various corners of world. Assam tea is quite popular for making an excellent base due to the outcome of intense malty and raisin sweet flavor which even endure after passing milk, sugar and spices into its liquor.

In world’s tea history, Assam tea holds a significant place. Ignition to tea table could be brought within three minutes by just bringing to boil or sprinkling little Assam tea leaves from fingertip into the compressed water heated container for a reddish golden return to your transparent glass with an invigorating aromatic essence enough to brighten your day.

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