Thursday 23 June 2016

Srimanta Sankardev's Conceptualized Mythological Play Drives French

Multiple mythological stories conceptualized in short play like 'Ankiya Bhaona' had driven international artists from France theater group to globalize Assamese polymath Srimanta Sankardeva through art.

Inspired by Srimanta Sankardev's high innovative ways to capture the mind of the simpletons to the ocean of Vaishnavism motivated the European team to give it a French version for global approach. The French team completely enacted the Brajavali play 'Parijat Haran' in French language to catch international audience and familiarize the depth of Sankardeva's philosophy.

Impressed to see the French troupe undergoing Bhaona training rigorously, the Bhaona expert B Borbayan stated, "The team has really been working hard. It is very encouraging to see the members, all from a different country, rehearsing with so much dedication." No matter it took time for the French to jell with Assamese culture but the outcome is overwhelming.

What piqued the French team lead is Sankardeva's unique psychological approach to relate a complicated matter to people of all level to which Nikos highlighted, "Sankardev's works strive from a different level as a whole."

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