Monday 25 July 2022

Is Assam Government Churning Out Money From The Milk?

Large population of Assam depend on milk where from 1st August milk price will be increased not by Rs. 1 but by Rs. 4 that will impact the prices of sweets, curd and paneer dairy items also.

Producers of dairy products will be directly benefited but indirectly the government pockets will be warm. Now 'Beharbari Outpost' famous Assamese serial mentions that now the salary will be earned to make traders rich. This is not comic but satirical against BJP government’s policy.

LPG gas cylinder price has soared to Rs.1000 plus. Rest packaged food items to get new price tags to empty the purses of buyers.

Saving is a word that helps to secure future from the earned money now with a hole in the pocket from where salaried people can save money? Government also understand economy now why this harsh game on public? Extremity of price rise does not speak about healthy state of country's economy.


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