Wednesday 27 July 2022

Real Fight For Drugs Is Internal Not External

Assam security forces have played a significant role in drugs combat in competent to rest of the states of India but it is the society which is internally becoming weak and susceptible to drugs that is making the fight complicated.

Even Governor Jagdish Mukhi at '60 Day Anti Drug Tobacco and Liquior Awareness' campaign at the ITA Centre for Performing Arts marked that to state a drug free society the parents should come up in this fight and build morally their children strong. Spread of drug is fast and contagious if a normal person comes under a drug affected group. Creating awareness on drug predators and build up of strong ties at home parents could help the society become drug free as Governor Jagdish Mukhi marks.

Stories of drug addict unearthed everyday in Guwahati city. Today drug addiction has become a menace for which the affected family members should contact with the anti-drug groups to make this fight effective. Assam police has nabbed drug peddlers who were transacting yaba tablet worth in corers to Bangalore where a Manipur police officer came into light of drug smuggling. Now if security forces out greed involves in anti social activity then such tough war can become bleak. But if the society acts strong then internally this war could be handled with less complicacy.


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