Monday 5 June 2023

Where GMC Fighting Hard, A Nalbari Youth Paves Way For Effective Waste Management

Guwahati Municipal Corporation struggling hard to control waste management process in the city, where a Nalbari youth has started mobilizing people for ‘mobile dustbin’ concept by using empty bottles to store strewn light plastic items to reuse the filled bottles for decorative purpose.

Rajesh Dutta Baruah with the support of his wife has been successful enough to motivate school representatives of Nalbari district for mobile waste control project under ASTEC (Assam Science Technology and Environment Council). Using this waste technique of Rajesh could enable one to transform waste to wealth with decorative concept and find gardening solution.

A society needs multiple numbers of extrovert minded people who can ignite the mass for effective control of the waste like Rajesh’s success story since GMC has to admit its failure to control large number of household waste. GMC likely to follow up with more techniques to garner waste collection from its present ability of three tons of waste in this year’s first half.




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