Thursday 30 June 2022

Center Should Overlook Assam Flood As National Disaster

2022 flood devastation has taught a lesson to India not to take Assam flood and erosion lightly because without state’s power nation is powerless without fuel and tea production.

Today Assam is engaged in multiple export productivity apart from tea and fuel. Assam has kept India self sufficient and must concentrate on flood and erosion issues seriously. Today Assam needs lots of investment to restore back people’s lives affected by flood and landslides apart from gearing back the economy of the state in fast pace.


To Restore State Assam Government And Other Bodies Should Cooperate

It's time Assam government people alone could not restore back the state eclipsed by 2022 flood and must cooperate and work with other bodies like AASU ( ALL ASSAM Student’s Union) and AGSU (ALL Guwahati Student's Union) including innovative minds.

Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has stated to make a lake in Anil Nagar but the residential area’s expert have given in better plans to take control of entire  water logging situation in Guwahati metro. Requested CM Himanta to widen and deepen rivers attached to the city apart from excavation of illegal blockade to the drainage outlets.

All Guwahati Student's Union (AGSU) demands scientific solution to improve and counteract drainage system and artificial flood problems. In this connection submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister demanding to involve experts from IIT Guwahati and Guwahati University and Assam Engineering College.

AASU on other hand demands MPs of Assam should place the matter in the parliament to frame flood of Assam as national matter since the state is a strong economic part of India. Main issue raised by AASU is on proper circulation of relief materials to the public. The government could not escape from the public's eye as there are people forces taking account of government lapses in meeting out affected people's need.

It is not only due to flood people are dying but even due to hunger and being shelterless. Many people in the search of highland and food have lost their lives. Government should hire such active people to take track of proper usages of fund. Empower them that even high authority could take action on proper relief to entire flood affected people.

Fresh floods are taking places again and again the Assam government need to sit with people who are demanding for a change to make better Assam. Presently people and animal relief is the prior criteria. Assam Government should show its sincerity towards state’s crucial matters that various bodies protesting statewide.



Tuesday 28 June 2022

Gohpur Town Experiences Never Before Flood

Usually Gohpur district has been affected by flood multiple of times but today on Tuesday, 28th June never experienced flood in Gohpur town area.

The greatest fear is that the water is exceeding fast and increasing, people fear if the rain continues incessantly than they won’t get much time to shift their valuables. Especially the market area is having a harrowing experience not knowing where to shift things at higher places. River is flowing dangerously and so its current due to which people had to hold hands of others as they move in flooded water in town.


Silchar DC Kirti Jolly Marks Door To Door Visit

Few days back Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma was seen on boat and also wading in water to take enquiry of the situation and people’s condition but now Silchar DC Kirti Jolly is making extensive visit to people living under water and taking enquiry of food and medicine.

Silchar DC Kirti Jolly is tirelessly working day and night to make people feel safe and secure.


Karimganj Situation Is Even Worse Than Silchar

Eleven days over Karimanj district is badly devastated as many houses and animals were destroyed.

People were unaware of such drastic change and didn't get much time to shift their belongings to safer places. Hunger and anxiety is exceeding every day with people of Karimganj as situation remained unchanged.


11 Days Silchar Under Water Though Water Receding Slowly

Never before Silchar experienced such drastic flood in life time that remained to stay for such a long duration that is 11 days and expects to shower till next Monday.


People somehow dared to shop items as the water receding slowly but prices are soaring high especially drinking water can that is around Rs. 300 - 800. In this duration of flood water people had to shift in multiple places. Water seems to be at their back inundating every places.


Huge Two Storey Brangnamari Police Building Gulped By Brahamaputra In Less Than 5 Minutes

Erosion in Assam is creating a havoc scenario at this phase especially gulping out huge land area where today on Tuesday, 28th June sucked out a huge two storey Brangnamari Police Station by the mighty Brahmaputra.


Major movable essential materials from the building was shifted earlier but the beautiful condition doors and windows remained intact as the swift current below Brahmaputra was working much faster allowing no room for shift of intact materials of the infrastructure.


“Ask Me About Assam Flood Not Maharashtra,” Himanta At Maa Kamakhya Visit

Among his busy schedules with flood visit Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma finally made at Maa Kamakhya temple during famous Ambubachi Mela though late appeared relaxed at mother’s feet but when volleyed with questions on hot ongoing political issues of Maharashtra he simply retorted, “Please don’t ask me about Maharashtra as I am preoccupied with Assam flood condition and works. You can ask me whatever related questions you have to ask on this will answer.”

Never Assam CM Himanta appeared so cool when he is highly tensed with multiple affairs for the look out of handling present strain on flood relief and assessment of damages due to inundation led by incessant rain.


Assam CM Took On Foot To Assess loss At Bajali, Nayanpara And Barpeta Embankments

It was a long route to the embankments at Bajali, Nayanpara And Barpeta where Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma took on foot for inspection to understand the cause of the damages to the embankments and assessment for repair.


It was not only the authorities of the region CM Himanta had a speculation of the damages but even gave opportunity to the people to speak their views on repair as scores of villages came under flood devastation due to break out of the embankments. Chief Minister Himanta even at this serious moment even found time to joke when people gathered around him to take selfies and stated smilingly, "You have the hype to take selfie even during this flood moment."


CM Himanta Biswa Sarma Directed For Compactness Of Embankment After Inspection At Nayanpara


More than 26 families were severely affected when Pahumora embankment collapsed at Nayanpara which Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma after thorough inspection felt there was lack of compactness of the materials used for construction and exemplified the compactness of railway line routes.


Already 28 crore was sanctioned for the making of the embankment. The contractors should sincerely work on the repair of Pahumora embankment as it is a big budget project since it need to withstand the impact of water released by Bhutan Dam what CM Himanta felt.



Monday 27 June 2022

Maha Ambubachi Celebration Of Earth Day At Kamakhya

This is a phenomenal view with lakhs of visitors dropping in at the Kamakhya door that was opened yesterday on 26th June as the deity suppose to come out clean from her period.


Even with the deity the earth also goes in the same pause as on this Ambubachi day even every creature stops to dig surface and looks for alternative food instead of depending on plants.


Sages from distant land of India never fails to take a glimpse of devi Kamakhya the deity of the temple which is quite strange and that makes this place popular on every Ambubachi day.Many people including the sages remain on fast for couple of days that shows extreme faith on Maa Kamakhya.Even Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has put up much effort in keeping the sanctum clean and easy for people to medidate and do payers and jagya. This year due to flood much people of Assam could make it to Ambubachi mela conducted at Kamakhya but tourist visitors are as usual strong.


Flood Has Kept Away Himanta Biswa Sarma From Making Darshan At Kamakhya

Cheif Mnister Himanta Biswa Sarma who each year makes his early visit at Maa Kamakhya during Ambubachi has kept away as flood visit had kept him busy from Silchar to Nagaon and Hajo.


He has taken greater blessing by giving visit to numbers of flood affected remaining at miserable condition capsized in camps and house arrest. People revived their faith that Chief Minister of Assam will bring some hope by restoring their shelter, road and electricity. How far and fast Chief Minister Himanta could stop people from starving as reports of hunger of the survivors remains to be strong is a big question. Assessment of loss could be made later where immediate action for delivering food is concerned fast initiative the Assam government and Center should have made already.



Tuesday 21 June 2022

Mega Army Of People Is Required For Assam Flood Relief

Today Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma interacted live on screen with representatives of flood relief all over the state where people remained silent when questioned why flood affected people are in hunger and why baby foods are not supplied.

But today if enough people had been implemented to supply food and other emergency relief materials then vast flood affected would not have been in hunger. Flood is a yearly issues and its intensity is growing. It is seen during flood relief in Guwahati where relief people inorder of getting sick by repeated exposure to rain and water never reaches to all affected people. Six days people especially in apartments remained without water as they could not figure out when the relief people to visit the area.

Himanta Biswa Sarma today directed flood relief people to visit each house in flood affected areas but he fails to understand on real ground that there is lack of people to do such jobs dedicatedly as they feel their health and safety matters. Today what the situation of flood in state is very delicate as major embankments gave up due to overflowing river pressure. Incessant rain is one of the cause for such helpless situation where mega army of people should be approached to distribute relief items to the affected people.


Meghalaya Receives Another Mega Blow Landslide Impact

It was not a part of Hollywood movie scene of natural disaster but the horrific scenario captured in a camera of a person in standby showing a burst of mud opening up on the road with huge rocks keeping travelers stranded.

Truly never before nature’s fury covered live in Northeast though Arunachal Pradesh is susceptible to such landslides also. What went wrong with Northeast weather truly is a serious matter not to be forgotten once the rain is over.



Kalank Embankment Outbreak To Affect Raha Town And Morigaon, Assam

NDRF team tried best to seal the spring of water at the Kalank embankment but to their dismay had to give up when a big outburst occurred sending river water gushing at nearby residential area where people somehow managed to save their lives.

Early at 5 p.m. people somehow tried to save their cows but on their return could not save anything. Now this gushing water of Kalank bank to flood in Raha town and inundate Morigaon also.



BJP Bhabesh Kalita Had To Bear Public Burn For Relief Failure

Rangiya district of Assam is the hardest hit with flood devastation, people in relief camp waiting for food and drinking water for days have showered their anger by mobbing around BJP person Bhabesh Kalita who went for inspection.


Situation not only in Rangiya but in many parts of flood affected areas in Assam have the same woes of living in hunger at relief camp for days. No candles people find it hard to go for refreshment in the dark. Even medical relief is not meted out for the ill health people. Affected flood people are still unreached.



Silchar Town Knee Deep Under Barhani River Fury

Silchar district major parts are affected by severe flood but never in history the town area was inundated with gushing water of Barhani river that sent people in knee deep water.


Incessant rain has overflowed Barhani river which now has entered in the Silchar town in high speed water inundating almost the entire town bringing all operation to a standstill.






Monday 20 June 2022

Flood Situation In Assam And Guwahati Metro Is Growing Grim Does Center Has Effective Role?

Today what scenario of flood in Assam has become is unfortunate or lapse in Center to concentrate sincerely to control situation with proper design of embankment, drainage system and infrastructure set up.


Gurgaon also had flood situation but had overcome it with proper planning and layout of infrastructure with right investment. Its time for Assam that Center should help in full swing by setting proper case studies before implementing infrastructure layout. Enough investment is required which Center should release and monitor implementation of the money and works. Today what havoc rain has created to Guwahati city nobody could say it as metro city.



Shocking Traveller's Condition As Silcher Tunnel Caves In With Landslide Mud

There was no mode to rescue traveler’s from other end of the tunnel which mouth suddenly closed in with landslide mud and the scenario turned pathetic when people struggled to move forward to the other end in waist deep mud.


Even women traveler with luggage managed to move out from the hell unable to decide what next move to make to reach destination. Today in many parts of Silchar situation has deteriorated due to incessant rain leading to severe flood and landslides causing snap of roads and bridges. Flights and train travel seems to have jabbed keeping travelers stranded unless weather clears.


Valiant NDRF, Army, Assam Police And SDRF Going Strong Against Flood Fury

People who had almost lost hope of survival after being marooned by inundated by river waters the rescue team like NDRF, Army, Assam Police And SDRF are battling valiantly against flood fury.


Inundation has caused not only flood but even landslides and snap of communication route where rescue team working hard in bridging people and rescuing people forced out of their homes. Recue team takes lots of hurdle and risk to life especially while working in landslide areas. We should thank these valiant teams out there for our people though ready to sacrifice their lives with no blood relation. Blessed are those families who have given such sons and daughters to make this world a safer heaven.





Kampur, Nagaon Devastating Flood Fury Spares Not Even Valiant Police Officers On Duty

It is a tragedy that Assam has lost two valiant police officers who were on duty investigating on a case late at night at 10:30 p.m. at Kampur, Nagaon district when they unluckily caught in flood's fury.


Samujjal Kakati the Officer in Charge of Kampur police station and constable Rajib Bordoloi lost their lives due to severe water current. Nature of the mishap is still yet unknown when the Kampur police team knew about the adversity of the situation, though one after a long struggle in flood water for one and half hour was rescued by villagers in banana plank boat.



State Disaster Response Fund rescue team reach the site at 1 p.m. somehow struggled to recover the body of the constable while OC's body could not be recovered after long battle.



Saturday 18 June 2022

Have We Failed To Appease God, Assam In Never Before Nature's Fury?

Never before Hell broke so heavily with heavy incessant rain for weeks gripping almost entire Assam in raging flood fury, have we failed to appease God, deep in the corner of heart questions most people today.


Guwahati today has shown certain relief as Sun visited people after so long. But still the weather is uncertain for next three days. Lower Assam Nalbari and Rangiya districts are in high alert as rivers are out breaking in many villages in destructive manner. Upper Assam situation is no better.


Current raging flood in Assam have caused highest casualty to lives and property. In many places flood has visited in new region with similar destructive manner many people claim. Kampur is one such place.


Dams today are overloaded due to inundated river and flushing of water is causing severe inundation in the low lying areas. Severe earth cutting and exploitation of land have grown fury in this raging flood due to inundation of rivers.


Center should take immediate action for the relief of the affected people of Assam. Relief action has been reported to be not as per to the expectation as the situation demands. Many lives are lost in flood not to talk about landslides. BJP government has done for people’s relief but not enough according to the changing situation.


Friday 17 June 2022

Is Guwahati BJP Councilor Dulumoni Kakati Pressured To Visit People For Relief?


People of Rukminigaon were shocked to see BJP Councilor Dulumoni Kakati in knee deep water serving relief items to every possible houses of the locality but one can also understand the area is huge it is not an easy job for her and somewhere pressured.


Rukminigaon people are happy for this big unexpected step from the councilor after so many days but still people cannot forget their bitter state of being in flood for so many days. Always the people are with the government but such big negligence of not paying heed to growing flood problem in the area cannot sustain from people's anger.


Today entire Guwahati need to be redesigned for this is not a way people want to live neglected when most get better share for the tax provided to the government. The coming genre is giving their best due to which the city has advanced so much so that they can mutually remain secured under the government they had entrusted their votes.



Flood Affected Guwahati People Still Silent On Mega Expenditure Counteract

Every year people of Guwahati have remained silent on the ongoing damages done to property but this 2022 pre monsoon rain have churned out maximum amount from savings of affected people to counteract damages cost done to property, health and infrastructure.

Government is testing people's patience a lot now. Remaining in city is not easy for middle class residential people and the government must understand people's pain untold. Pictures of people remaining in house arrest can relate what horror they had undergone during eight days flood in Guwahati.


 Not BJP But Congressman Visited Busiest Route of Dispur During Extensive Flood

Media people were caught interviewing with a popular Congressman not BJP leader who dared to visit the flooded Rukminigaon for enquiry as it is the busiest route connecting people from all direction to vital places like Beltola, Wireless, Hosibaloy, Ganeshguri, Downtown, Sixmile, Jayamagar, Khanapara and Panjabari that due to extensive flood for days have affected operation in Guwahati.


Rukminigaon of Dispur, Guwahati is not a small place as many political VIP's staged here but past from one year BJP government has made no significant measure to keep water out of this route which remains to be the backbone of Guwahati.


Today weather no doubt has kept the road clean from any vehicle movement. But this has caused many economic hurdles which the BJP government has to think seriously. From 14th June till 17th June what situation has occurred to Rukminigaon it will impact regulation of Guwahati in the future. Students and working people of this area are huge as Rukminigaon is a big circumference and this is a shortest link that connects to vital routes of greater Guwahati and helps to reach destination in shortest way.


Same is the case for people trading for daily business. Earlier Congress had conducted from this base when they were in rule. Popular Congressman Anjan Dutta the left hand of former Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi had his base here. Many more important Congress party figures hails from here. So today they could feel the growing concern of the public which BJP government has sidelined though BJP noted politician Kesab Mahanta the Health Minister has his base here in Rukminigaon.


In the videos displayed here showcases how a bustling road turns into a river gushing through all lanes and completely inundating the whole area of vast Rukminigaon area. In Guwahati only Rukminigaon has such strange view though there are many small familiar sites. People are suffering from damages to property and acute water shortage due to no power. No ambulance people health is deteriorating and near to death as well as creation of severe health issue unable to reach clinic and hospital at time.



Wednesday 15 June 2022

No Power And Water, Acute Fear Grips Red Alert Flooded Guwahati!

Children, old age people, females and babies are in acute fear with no water from yesterday 14th June itself and as evening plunge in darkness fear grips people unable to move safely with water inside the house during red alert flood phase in Guwahati.


True this is a never seen flood phase in Guwahati but not unfamiliar situation, the BJP government which has been running so efficiently should have adhered to people's emergency call. At toll free number attendant are hesitant to hear people's ply, neither less there is no quick response for drinking water. If the people who blessed the BJP government to win so well isn't it Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma responsibility to attend to people's need?

Most areas which are not in spotlight means that those people should bear with no power and water for two day consecutive. Sporting drinking water and food to Anil Nagar because it took by media is not fair for BJP government. Beltola, Hatigaon, Panjabri, Survey, Rukminigaon and many other areas like Kahalipara, Christianbasti, Amabari, Kharguli also in acute shortage of clean water for usage. Concealing truth is not a way for the government to escape. There should be active participation from the BJP people to help fear gripped people locked in knee deep surrounding water.








Tuesday 14 June 2022

Namami Guwahati Flood 2022 Boat Mission

Sarbananda Sonowal Water & Shipping Union Minister should now think for secure Guwahati and must layout plan for 'Namami Guwahati Flood 2022 Boat Mission' as people in demand for boat rescue not ambulance on today's 14th June Tuesday red alert flood.


If anything has improved in leaps and bound than is Guwahati’s flood, today the said metropolitan city is in red alert as people were asked to stay inside as water is flowing dangerously in the city.


Red alert is easy to say but no engineers could come forward with bright ideas to make proper drainage systems. Authority though has failed to come up to people's expectation to stop waterlogging. Government is busy in development but at the cost of people's life. Today lakhs in Guwahati are submerged, house arrest and without water & electricity. Not one crucial areas in Guwahati are spared from deep water. Landslide on rage with numbers of deaths in Guwahati city.


 Today flood if this do not become the last one then center should work on plans for laying out boat system on roads to rescue trapped passengers plying in bus, car and other vehicles apart from attending emergency calls. 'Namami Guwahati Flood 2022 Boat Mission' can be a hope now. This is a public vision to today's red alert flood scenario in the city if the center or government has not visioned yet.




Monday 13 June 2022

GMC And GMDA Created Titanic Flood In Guwahati!

People of Guwahati are helpless and unsafe due to Guwahati Municipal Corporation and Guwahati Metropolitian Development Authority's irresponsible act as with spell of rain the scenario of the city becomes like a river flowing on road.


Tuesday 14th June will be a remarkable day for Guwahati due to no rest in raining creating a sea like scenario. Cyclonic south west monsoon wave from Bay of Bengal seems to have made a depression in entire Northeast due to which today Guwahati is heavily at a loss with trigger of landslide and flood, causing tremendous loss to property and lives.


Misery would have been averted if GMDA would have looked carefully before laying development structures in the city without hindering flow in drainage water that to sadness has been violated. GMC is crucially responsible in today's mega flood misery as they forget to remove the dumped materials from the drain due to which repeated waterlogging occurs and spread diseases faster to every homes when dirt washed away by the rain. Children and pregnant are worst affected? Bharatiya Janta Party has failed to look over people's woe what futuristic metropolitian city it will layout with so many faults floating in rain?



Mizoram Combat To Seize Drugs Worth Rs. 4 Crore

In this long warfare with drugs dealers Mizoram police on continued crackdown seized drugs worth Rs. 4. 425 crore which weighed 885 grams in separate incidents.


In one incident recovered Rs. 133 lakh worth drugs from Zokhawthar town from a 42 year old guy where later Champhal police in another incident in international market near Indo-Myanmar border seized heroin worth Rs. 62.5 Lakh  from young 24 year old girl.


Aizwal Police on third attempt succeeded to recover Rs. 239.42 gram of heroin at Zemawhawk from a Myanmarese national.





Himanta Lead BJP Party Made Landslide In Karbi Anglong With Victory In Polls

Leaving no opportunity for the opposition BJP party leader Himanta Biswa Sarma who claimed for win in Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council election gave shock with landslide victory with 26 out of 26 seats recover.


BJP gave no room for AAP, Congress and others to win from one constituency. Though Congress had earlier records of winning till 2015. In this year 2022 poll in Karbi Anglong 78 percent voting was recorded that is a little less than cent percent.



Saturday 11 June 2022

Damages Large, PWD Yet To Estimate Cost And Expert Teams Up In Dima Hasao

Assam government is ready to release more funds with initial release of Rs. 50 crore for repairing of Dima Hasao as PWD is yet to configure the appropriate cost figure for repair in the flood and landslide hit areas while expert teams yet to find the reason behind to the damages of government roads and provide right suggestion to overcome the hurdles in reforming the situation to normalcy in the district.


Thursday 9 June 2022

Fear & Tension Grips Public As Flood In Guwahati Continues To Play Havoc For Month

Public who have to make their earnings everyday are paralyzed by flood whereas vehicle bearers have to make heavy expenses for repeated repairs as now for month this issue affecting business, office, classes and exams.

Never before people had to pay repeatedly for the damages done by flood as havoc created in 2022. Public in fear and tension with repeated flood scenario in Guwahati that is growing, making people become helpless with children around, unable to understand how to secure their future. Exams and classes going full fledged how to make their children attend with limited transportation? Many have to quit exam and classes with continued flood scenario for month.

People working have to make heavy expenditure for transportation as fare hikes up to Rs. 50 to 100 plus from basic travel expenses. Vehicle bearers often have to pay heavy for getting water out of their engine and silencer due continued flood scenario in Guwahati city for month. 

Health of people have been affected drastically those who are routinely exposed to rain and flood water. Guwahati city is in the need of help to revive its normal life people are in fear psychosis when every time it rains as every night they go sleepless.



Wednesday 8 June 2022

Int'l Conference On The Benefit Of NE With Better Act East Policy

The basic reason of launching this two day international conference on 'India's Act East Policy and the Indo-Pacific Developments: Problems and Prospects' is to articulate the changes and modify the existing policies of international trade to give desired benefit to North East region.


In this two day international conference on 'India's Act East Policy and the Indo-Pacific Developments: Problems and Prospects' more than 130 delegates participated where 50 research papers were made from India and abroad also.



Essence Of BJP On Erosion In Tripura Claims TMC


TMC the Trinamool Congress which has a strong base in Tripura is quite confident that the essence of BJP (Bharatia Janta Party) has eroded from state's public’s mind and marked that by election results that is to appear by 26 June will be the beginning of the end of the BJP.


TMC leader Rajib Banerjee who is in charge of the party is confident of win as it is the only party that stands as a strong opposition to BJP. 


Monday 6 June 2022

Meghalaya Not In Favor Of TMC

Mamta Banerjee led TMC (Trinamool Congress) finds Meghalaya not in favor of the party and so many are losing interest from the party to avoid political setback in 2023 poll though they made grand entry in the state but likely to fade soon.


Already five TMC legislators are in negotiation with regional parties for their induction. Even Chief Minister Mukul Sangma is aware about the fact as many more from TMC party to quit though the party campaigned like a fairy tale as many from the sinking Congress party joined in with better hope.



Meghalaya's Student Shouldered Heavily To Run His Family And Education

Just 20 year Kitborlang Nongdom who works as a porter shouldering heavy bags to run his family and simultaneously to complete his education at KJP Synod College, Nongstoin.


As he waits for XII Arts result 20 year this West Khasi Hills student Kitborlang Nongdom relates that he has to do such job as a porter as his father also as construction laborer. Poor by destiny but the 20 year Kitborlang Nongdom's noble soul ready to sacrifice his study to educate his lower two siblings. For doing such hard work his classmates adores him instead of looking down on him.



Amazon Approaches Manipur For Business Lift

On a new outlook to boost the economy of Manipur that is rich in traditional products, Amazon the top online traders signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Manipur Handloom & Handicrafts Development Corporation (MHHDC) Ltd to open up for state's handloom and handicraft products to boost company's e-market.



Sunday 5 June 2022

History Of Sivsagar On Threat, People Demand To Rebuild Faith

Essence of strong faith that Shivlinga of Shiva Doul holds in people of Sivsagar for three centuries where people from all over India visits the temple during Maha Shivratri is disrupted by displacing the linga from its place with uproot of trees around its campus area that is completely senseless according to "Save Sivsagar Build Sivsagar" body formed by great numbers of senior citizens of the district to demand restructure of everything to its original position.


"Save Sivsagar Build Sivsagar" body of great numbers of senior citizens at the Yuva Dal auditorium demanded through the media an impartial probe into the inappropriate uproot of trees and removal of linga from Shiva Doul built by Bor Roja Ambika, consort of King Swargadeo Sivashingha


ASI Horticulture Division in Bhubaneshwar stated through a letter that issue of permission was not granted for cutting of trees near the sanctum premises. DC of Sivsagar has to state that the Doul Development Committee was not involved in any dismantle of work as everything is being handled by ASI.




Saturday 4 June 2022

Experience Venice In Guwahati The Floating City

Shortly the government of Assam will be bent to release boats in Guwahati to communicate in waterlogged city as rising water every year won't allow vehicles to run on road but boats just like Venice the floating city.


It is not an invitation to experience Venice only on monsoon in Guwahati but the period when heavy rainfall occurs. The weakest point of the government of such dramatic change is due to excessive infrastructure development without any proper drainage system to make outlet for big reservoir. Knee deep water in Hatigaon, G.S Road Chandmari, Zoo Road, Wireless, Panjabari and almost most crucial points not only strangles traffic but keeps working people stranded for many hours due to unpredictable heavy rain. Assam government don't have to make nuclear weapon but implement brains more in to get rid of waterlogging problem. As Assam turns to floating city naturally. with disgrace and misery.


Thursday 2 June 2022

Illegal Money Collection Leads To Closure Of 21 Check Gates In Nagaland

Out of 34 check gates in Nagaland about 21 had been closed due to illegal processing of money collection where different groups, organization, government agencies and private individuals were equally involved in this act according to Nagaland government.

Nagaland DGP T John Longkumar appealed to the people to cooperate with the police in further investigation and gathering information about such illegal act of money collection at the earliest to control such act.



Meghalaya Makes India Proud By Competing With International Countries To Bag UN Award

State’s Meghalaya Enterprise Architecture Project (MeghEA) was successful to compete with Australia, Argentina, Tanzania and China to bag the best project from the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS) 2022.

There were about 360 projects where 90 best projects voted to enter invitation to Geneva, Switzerland for final round. The planning Department of Meghalaya implemented the project that was presented where sanctions of citizen centric schemes were done digitally. Sangma was all in praise for making the state proud by putting India’s name high on international level by bagging the UN Award.


Wednesday 1 June 2022

People Are Retreating Home From Relief Camps In Assam


Though IMD predicts more rains with approaching Southwest monsoon at current phase flood water has receded helping people to retreat home from their relief camps.


Nagaon, Morigaon, Dima Hasao and Cachar have shown quite improvement in flood scenario due to which rates of people in relief have come down.





Amguri Solar Park To Edge Assam As Power Surplus State

The much awaited Rs. 300 crore 70 MW Amguri Solar Park which is an effort between Assam government and solar power developer Power Private Ltd was inaugurated by Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma at Lalim Chapori, Japisajia.


Presently Solar Power Park to deliver 50 MW of power and will take some months to deliver in full capacity.