Saturday 18 June 2022

Have We Failed To Appease God, Assam In Never Before Nature's Fury?

Never before Hell broke so heavily with heavy incessant rain for weeks gripping almost entire Assam in raging flood fury, have we failed to appease God, deep in the corner of heart questions most people today.


Guwahati today has shown certain relief as Sun visited people after so long. But still the weather is uncertain for next three days. Lower Assam Nalbari and Rangiya districts are in high alert as rivers are out breaking in many villages in destructive manner. Upper Assam situation is no better.


Current raging flood in Assam have caused highest casualty to lives and property. In many places flood has visited in new region with similar destructive manner many people claim. Kampur is one such place.


Dams today are overloaded due to inundated river and flushing of water is causing severe inundation in the low lying areas. Severe earth cutting and exploitation of land have grown fury in this raging flood due to inundation of rivers.


Center should take immediate action for the relief of the affected people of Assam. Relief action has been reported to be not as per to the expectation as the situation demands. Many lives are lost in flood not to talk about landslides. BJP government has done for people’s relief but not enough according to the changing situation.


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