Saturday 4 June 2022

Experience Venice In Guwahati The Floating City

Shortly the government of Assam will be bent to release boats in Guwahati to communicate in waterlogged city as rising water every year won't allow vehicles to run on road but boats just like Venice the floating city.


It is not an invitation to experience Venice only on monsoon in Guwahati but the period when heavy rainfall occurs. The weakest point of the government of such dramatic change is due to excessive infrastructure development without any proper drainage system to make outlet for big reservoir. Knee deep water in Hatigaon, G.S Road Chandmari, Zoo Road, Wireless, Panjabari and almost most crucial points not only strangles traffic but keeps working people stranded for many hours due to unpredictable heavy rain. Assam government don't have to make nuclear weapon but implement brains more in to get rid of waterlogging problem. As Assam turns to floating city naturally. with disgrace and misery.


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