Thursday 9 June 2022

Fear & Tension Grips Public As Flood In Guwahati Continues To Play Havoc For Month

Public who have to make their earnings everyday are paralyzed by flood whereas vehicle bearers have to make heavy expenses for repeated repairs as now for month this issue affecting business, office, classes and exams.

Never before people had to pay repeatedly for the damages done by flood as havoc created in 2022. Public in fear and tension with repeated flood scenario in Guwahati that is growing, making people become helpless with children around, unable to understand how to secure their future. Exams and classes going full fledged how to make their children attend with limited transportation? Many have to quit exam and classes with continued flood scenario for month.

People working have to make heavy expenditure for transportation as fare hikes up to Rs. 50 to 100 plus from basic travel expenses. Vehicle bearers often have to pay heavy for getting water out of their engine and silencer due continued flood scenario in Guwahati city for month. 

Health of people have been affected drastically those who are routinely exposed to rain and flood water. Guwahati city is in the need of help to revive its normal life people are in fear psychosis when every time it rains as every night they go sleepless.



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