Thursday 1 July 2021

Is Third Wave Making Ripple In Assam?

The answer could be yes with 34 deaths and 34,606 infected cases of children in Assam during second wave, Corona’s superior mutants are far more superior and are to impact everyone that comes under it.

 Currently the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has cleared that at present there is no sign of Delta Plus variant the advance version of Corona mutants. But the future of Assam remains uncertain as multiple states of India are currently emerging with Delta Plus variants.


The second wave in Assam hit far hard with 12.7% affected cases from previous first wave record of 8% in children. But the mutants of third wave could prove serious damage if go unattended. Indian medical science is closely on observation on newly developed Corona mutants’ behavior for effective medication to fight against it.


The Corona Third wave likely to impact from August to September according to medical science. The advance variants that come with similar symptoms like rashes, fever, chest pain and breathlessness relevant to Corona first wave scientists are yet not clear on its advance indication and analysis. Medical science suspects the genetic mutation of Corona could be far more different and lethal in attack as studies show that UK and Singapore believes new variants impacts even children due to its potentiality to bind stronger and fast spreading nature.


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