Thursday 22 November 2018

Meghalaya Health Authority To Annul Exam Result Publication If Instruction On Measles Not Observed

Measles-Rubella vaccination has become mandatory due to its frequent possible attack and the Meghalaya’s health authority the Chairman of District Task Force for immunization has directed all school authorities and parents to observe their medical directive under the state government. The possible age victim for such deadly viral attack is of age four to fifteen years children in Meghalaya and so it has become compulsory for all schools to follow this instruction.

Condition applied to produce results to parents is only when they submit written reason behind  their lapse in observing health authority’s directive which idea on contrary had sparked fury among the Khasi Student’s Union and Federation of Khasi Jaintia and Gaaro people as such implementation of law is against student’s right.

Though there are districts to observe this vaccination rule ritually but certain regions of Meghalaya still lapse behind in following this health directive. In regard to this the health authority of Meghalaya does not want to fall short in performing their responsibility to provide best facilities to keep the state smiling with health and for which edged their strictness for child’s welfare.


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