Tuesday 30 July 2019

NRC Department Needs More Strategy To Make A Final Call

In the present phase National Register of Citizens (NRC) is in a mess as well known social figures were detected to be debarred from citizenship rights and became a talk of the town on the reliability of its verification process due to which the organization had to embrace more embarrassment.

People have land and property but no certified documents to proof their stance as valid citizens as some earlier unable to understand the value of citizenship document values felt there is no need to preserve and some may have misplaced their files or lost due to natural disaster.

People barely able to recall what promises made last year then how after forty years gap people can analyze from where their ancestors derived? Possibly NRC may require more than 30 days time frame to make a final call on its ready update report

It will be an age time if no particular date is set for NRC deadline as manpower for reverification is very limited where tools and technology for faster verification process are also limited where piles of work is more.


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