Tuesday 30 April 2019

Real Godzilla Came Alive In Action In Guwahati Metro, India!

Yes, no one has seen a Gozilla but when a giant animal like elephant trades in the core centre of Guwahati capital city of Assam it was not a lesser experience for the witness and one who had a close shave on an unexpected encounter.

It was tough battle to control the giant beast as it took forest people and security forces for about 9 to 10 hours near about to tranquilize the angry beast which broke free from a group of three when a mahout was monitoring.

It was a shock call for the Guwahati metro city people to encounter a wild elephant without any control of a mahout, creating berserk in the traffic and crowded zones of the city like Ganeshguri,  Christianbasti, ABC and entire GS Road the nerve network of metro operation.

Officials from Assam state zoo battled for long hours in the evening to douse the huge animal with two rounds of tranquilizer but later shot the third round to bring the unaffected trapped animal under control. The entire phase to bring back the elephant to the zoo premises was worsened with interference of strong wind and rain. If the not the wild elephant would have got trapped in between a residential complex and the boundary wall the Godzilla mini version would have given a night haunt by creating tough time to the public and the rescue people to control him.


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